Posted February 04, 2016

I hope you are all doing well?
Did any of you ever play the X-Files adventure game from 1998? The one with live action cutscenes? I just found the discs for mine and it seems to work quite well on Windows 7. It even allows for a full 7 disc install and after that no CD is required. I can't really remember if it is any good, but it will be worth a re-play sometime.
I tend to agree, although the sense that GOG care is slowly eroding now due to the complete lack of communication. Although, part of me can understand. No one wants people being hostile when they are just the messenger, and the users do tend to get a bit passionate about some topics. Not that they should not, but I can understand how it might feel to staff being at the receiving end, especially when they are just the messengers, not the ones pulling the strings.
The method seems to be working well for Steam, you forger that younger games especially seem to love throwing money at silly things. But hopefully it is just what it appears to be, an additional service GOG offers that won't take away from their main service.
My reluctance to get games elsewhere is not really about loyalty to GOG, just me preferring things in one place and having a backlog so I can afford to wait for it to come here or go on sale here. But a few games I have got DRM-Free elsewhere. Some on Humble and some on Groupees. Namely Mind Path to Thalamus, Lifeless Planet, and Montagues Mount. All games that looked interesting, but that were usually too expensive here on GOG given my small interest in them. But seeing them for a few $s was a good deal. I also got a few games from Humble DRM-Free that are not on GOG, like Super Meat Boy. My only real stipulation is that the store is trustworthy, and offers the game DRM-Free. Other than that, while I prefer GOG, I would not do without over it, if I can get it elsewhere DRM-Free and I want it there and then then I will.
But gamers love to put up with crap from developers and publishers, if they didn't we would not have DRM and such horribel micro-transactions and bad DLCs. :-)
I agree that early access and Kickstarter are pretty much the same, I just meant that the mentality is a little different. One is paying for a work in progress, the other is investing in an idea.
Just woke up here. Did some stuff, grabbed some food, ate too much, then dozed off for a while. Stupid pills aren't helping with that tendency either.
Also, my apologies on having to cut out in the middle of our talking before. Just couldn't handle being cold and tired anymore.
I didn't know that existed until I saw a video on FMV games that had a clip of that game in it. It's extremely cool that you've got a copy, and kinda pleasantly shocking that it seems to be working on a modern setup without having to tweak the crap out of it.
Agreed. Right now, there are a few people that are doing what they can, you see them around the forum frequently, but when it comes to higher-ups, they're just not around very often.
True. An entire generation of gamers are seeing a lot of incredibly bad business practices, and that's all they've ever been around, so they're just used to it.
I try to get stuff from here whenever possible, wanting to see DRM-free become the standard, but I also have games from other places. If it's not going to show up here any time soon and it's something I really want, then I'll get it.
My patience level leaves a fair bit to be desired.
It depends, I think. There have been a few times where publishers have gotten their teeth kicked in and called on their bullshit. It's not nearly as common an occurrence as it should be, but it does happen.
That makes sense. I just look at it as a gamble with a somewhat higher or lower probability of a loss, depending on the team, their track record, their communication level, the amount of work they might already have complete, things like that.
Additional - One thing I almost forgot. Stilton told me about this place, it's another DRM-free shop that he got a bunch of stuff from during the end of the year. It's
Post edited February 04, 2016 by CarrionCrow