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ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all doing well?

Did any of you ever play the X-Files adventure game from 1998? The one with live action cutscenes? I just found the discs for mine and it seems to work quite well on Windows 7. It even allows for a full 7 disc install and after that no CD is required. I can't really remember if it is any good, but it will be worth a re-play sometime.

I tend to agree, although the sense that GOG care is slowly eroding now due to the complete lack of communication. Although, part of me can understand. No one wants people being hostile when they are just the messenger, and the users do tend to get a bit passionate about some topics. Not that they should not, but I can understand how it might feel to staff being at the receiving end, especially when they are just the messengers, not the ones pulling the strings.

The method seems to be working well for Steam, you forger that younger games especially seem to love throwing money at silly things. But hopefully it is just what it appears to be, an additional service GOG offers that won't take away from their main service.

My reluctance to get games elsewhere is not really about loyalty to GOG, just me preferring things in one place and having a backlog so I can afford to wait for it to come here or go on sale here. But a few games I have got DRM-Free elsewhere. Some on Humble and some on Groupees. Namely Mind Path to Thalamus, Lifeless Planet, and Montagues Mount. All games that looked interesting, but that were usually too expensive here on GOG given my small interest in them. But seeing them for a few $s was a good deal. I also got a few games from Humble DRM-Free that are not on GOG, like Super Meat Boy. My only real stipulation is that the store is trustworthy, and offers the game DRM-Free. Other than that, while I prefer GOG, I would not do without over it, if I can get it elsewhere DRM-Free and I want it there and then then I will.

But gamers love to put up with crap from developers and publishers, if they didn't we would not have DRM and such horribel micro-transactions and bad DLCs. :-)

I agree that early access and Kickstarter are pretty much the same, I just meant that the mentality is a little different. One is paying for a work in progress, the other is investing in an idea.
Good evening. =)

Just woke up here. Did some stuff, grabbed some food, ate too much, then dozed off for a while. Stupid pills aren't helping with that tendency either.

Also, my apologies on having to cut out in the middle of our talking before. Just couldn't handle being cold and tired anymore.

I didn't know that existed until I saw a video on FMV games that had a clip of that game in it. It's extremely cool that you've got a copy, and kinda pleasantly shocking that it seems to be working on a modern setup without having to tweak the crap out of it.

Agreed. Right now, there are a few people that are doing what they can, you see them around the forum frequently, but when it comes to higher-ups, they're just not around very often.

True. An entire generation of gamers are seeing a lot of incredibly bad business practices, and that's all they've ever been around, so they're just used to it.

I try to get stuff from here whenever possible, wanting to see DRM-free become the standard, but I also have games from other places. If it's not going to show up here any time soon and it's something I really want, then I'll get it.
My patience level leaves a fair bit to be desired.

It depends, I think. There have been a few times where publishers have gotten their teeth kicked in and called on their bullshit. It's not nearly as common an occurrence as it should be, but it does happen.

That makes sense. I just look at it as a gamble with a somewhat higher or lower probability of a loss, depending on the team, their track record, their communication level, the amount of work they might already have complete, things like that.

Additional - One thing I almost forgot. Stilton told me about this place, it's another DRM-free shop that he got a bunch of stuff from during the end of the year. It's
Post edited February 04, 2016 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: ...
Good evening.

Sorry to hear your medication is having some less than desired effects. Isn't medication fun like that. I just enjoy reading the list of side effects (do you get those in the US? Over here we get a a list of the side effects and things which is included with most of our medication, even some non-prescription medication.)

Don't be silly, no need at all to apologise. I would hope by now that the people of the thread would not worry if someone does not answer straight away, or at all. Hopefully they all know it would not be done to be rude, just the result of real life things. So no need to worry. *big silly hug*

All I had to do was set the shortcut to run at 640 resolution, and this was just to make it full screen as it was not stretching properly otherwise. But apart from that, it installed okay and seems to run great on Windows 7. Which I guess is not that modern anymore, but it seems to work well, so I don't intend to upgrade. The game was fun if I remember correctly, but also very hard as it could be quite hard to figure out what to do. Not to mention parts of the game that are red herrings but which can waste a lot of time finding that out (and some cases never finding out until reading about it on the internet years later). I think it would be a nice addition to GOG, especially as it seems to run okay, but I guess licensing and things would be hard.

I doubt we will get a higher up. I do remember a video Q&A some time ago, but that was back when they were a bit more friendly to the community. I guess as we are a tiny fraction they have higher priorities.

I understand, and I have never had a problem with others using Steam. I am not the type to hate people who don't think as I do. I just prefer to own what I pay for. It also helps that I still have lots of games to play so I don't feel the need to add too many more games to my library.

But that is the thing, you are looking at it as an investment. Too many treat Kickstarter as a store. You are not buying the product as such, you are investing in it, and as such you take all the risks an investor takes. It is sad that so many have been burned, but maybe the system needs to be altered to try to prevent this. Maybe give the creators the money in stages, but only after certain milestones have been met?

I have seen that store mentioned before. But for a while now I have lost my drive to buy new games. If not for promising Moon, my wishlist would be forever hidden as well. There are a few games I like the look of, but I guess as I can't really play them much at the moment I don't see the need to add more, which is why I tend to stay away from other stores. Not that it will tempt me, but just because I know I won't be buying anything for the most part.
Post edited February 04, 2016 by ddickinson
Wow. Typing wars. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Wow. Typing wars. :-)
Good <insert 'Merican time here>, Endre!

How has your day been so far?

*big hug*
EndreWhiteMane: Wow. Typing wars. :-)
ddickinson: Good <insert 'Merican time here>, Endre!

How has your day been so far?

*big hug*
Busy and boring both. It's payday so there were bills to pay, shopping to do, etc.
How was yours?
EndreWhiteMane: Busy and boring both. It's payday so there were bills to pay, shopping to do, etc.
How was yours?
I had a lovely evening, so I guess that makes my day good overall. The day itself has not been to great, but swings and roundabout as the old saying goes (which mean ups and downs. The saying is not widely used in the UK anymore, so I doubt it is known that much in the US). But I feel things are slowly improving, which is good. Still lots of horrible stuff going on besides my health, but that's life, so no use complaining, especially as I know others are having a hard time as well.
ddickinson: Good evening.

Sorry to hear your medication is having some less than desired effects. Isn't medication fun like that. I just enjoy reading the list of side effects (do you get those in the US? Over here we get a a list of the side effects and things which is included with most of our medication, even some non-prescription medication.)

Don't be silly, no need at all to apologise. I would hope by now that the people of the thread would not worry if someone does not answer straight away, or at all. Hopefully they all know it would not be done to be rude, just the result of real life things. So no need to worry. *big silly hug*

All I had to do was set the shortcut to run at 640 resolution, and this was just to make it full screen as it was not stretching properly otherwise. But apart from that, it installed okay and seems to run great on Windows 7. Which I guess is not that modern anymore, but it seems to work well, so I don't intend to upgrade. The game was fun if I remember correctly, but also very hard as it could be quite hard to figure out what to do. Not to mention parts of the game that are red herrings but which can waste a lot of time finding that out (and some cases never finding out until reading about it on the internet years later). I think it would be a nice addition to GOG, especially as it seems to run okay, but I guess licensing and things would be hard.

I doubt we will get a higher up. I do remember a video Q&A some time ago, but that was back when they were a bit more friendly to the community. I guess as we are a tiny fraction they have higher priorities.

I understand, and I have never had a problem with others using Steam. I am not the type to hate people who don't think as I do. I just prefer to own what I pay for. It also helps that I still have lots of games to play so I don't feel the need to add too many more games to my library.

But that is the thing, you are looking at it as an investment. Too many treat Kickstarter as a store. You are not buying the product as such, you are investing in it, and as such you take all the risks an investor takes. It is sad that so many have been burned, but maybe the system needs to be altered to try to prevent this. Maybe give the creators the money in stages, but only after certain milestones have been met?

I have seen that store mentioned before. But for a while now I have lost my drive to buy new games. If not for promising Moon, my wishlist would be forever hidden as well. There are a few games I like the look of, but I guess as I can't really play them much at the moment I don't see the need to add more, which is why I tend to stay away from other stores. Not that it will tempt me, but just because I know I won't be buying anything for the most part.
It's pros and cons. The pills keep my lovely anxious, halfway to screaming most of the time nature from making things in my head pop, but they also try to knock me out.

Oh yeah, we get side effect lists. The commercials for pills that have to list all the fun side effects you can suffer are a frequent source of amusement around the house. My personal favorites are always the ones that might cause you to be so depressed that you kill yourself. Totally makes me want to take those meds every time I see them.

It just annoyed me that I ran out of energy that suddenly, so I mentioned it. If possible, I would've just stayed up.

Wow, that's surprisingly simple to do for an old game setup.
That would be a great piece of game history to have here, even with the frustrating bits. But yes, like you said, the licensing would be a mess to get sorted out.

True. The forum makes up an incredibly tiny section of the overall customer base, I'm sure. I'd say maybe a thousand people, at most. If the base is 500,000, that puts us at being 0.2%. That's pretty frigging small.

Likewise. That's why I call Steam purchases rentals. I know I don't own them. Really, it's another form of risk in a way, unless you're totally satisfied that you can have a full experience, to the point that you've cleared the game utterly with no desire to replay, so it won't matter if your items get wiped out one day.

Anyone who thinks putting money into a Kickstarter equals a guarantee of a product's completion should absolutely not be using that service. They evidently have no idea what they're getting into.

Me, I'd base it on track record. A company like Harebrained Schemes should have more freedom than a company like Double Fine. Even though I bitch about the latest Shadowrun in spots, they've stuck to everything they said they were going to do, with every Kickstarter they've done. Companies like that shouldn't be lumped in with the constant delayers, the product abandoners, people like that.

Understandable. The backlogs get big enough over time, that urge to consume gets dulled a bit. I was going to grab a bunch of stuff, but pared it down to just a few things that really looked interesting. (Or truly awful.)
EndreWhiteMane: Wow. Typing wars. :-)
-laughs- It's only a six or seven simultaneous subject conversation. ;P
Post edited February 04, 2016 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: ...
I can understand that, although for me medication just does not sit well, giving me little benefit but worse setbacks. At least the latest side effects are almost gone now and I am back to 100% medication free.

The side effects are fun to read, especially as some are worse than the thing the medication is for. I bet there is one somewhere that lists possible death as a potential side effect. :-)

I figured it was something like that, but as I said, with me at least you never need to worry about it. As I said, even if you don't reply at all I won't mind. It is not like I am going to get all mad and never speak to you again.

It was quite easy, which I did not expect. It seems to play quite well, just like it did years ago. It's funny seeing the old games spanning seven discs, but I was really glad it does not require the CD when you do the full installation option, which would have been ideal for a GOG version. But I think with it being a television series it would be hard to get here with licensing. I wonder if it is even on Steam.

Didn't GOG have nearly a million people download The Witcher 3 at launch? And given that not every customer will have bought it, that would put us at an even smaller percent of their customer base.

I can understand bundles for Steam games, I would not really care if I did end up losing a few games that cost me next to nothing, but handing over full price for a game I don't own is just not something I could do. I am the same with my books. I prefer real books over ebooks, party as I just like real books more, but also that I like to own the book, not run the risk of Amazon or someone taking what I payed for away from me, like I believe Amazon did a while ago with a copy of 1984 (talk about irony).

I hate when companies, like Double Fine, get more than they asked for, lots more in some cases, and yet they still do not deliver what they promised. Instead they deliver cut up episodic games that are nothing like what they promised. But then I am not a fan at all of Double Fine or Tim <insert name I can't remember how to spell, Shafer?>. As you said, those with proven track records could maybe get the full money, but maybe others should have some held back, or require some collateral from them before allowing them to Kickstart something. It is not perfect, but it would get rid of some of the scammers and those who are not taking it all seriously.
*sleepy hugs and waves*
AgentBirdnest: *sleepy hugs and waves*
AHHH! Zombie Agent! *hits the zombie Agent with a blunt instrument.* :-)

*big silly hug*
ddickinson: AHHH! Zombie Agent! *hits the zombie Agent with a blunt instrument.* :-)

*big silly hug*
@__@ ... *collapses*

Not sticking around... just wanted to wish you, and anyone else who is around, a pleasant evenight :-)
*extra-big hug*
A lot of pills have that effect on me as well. If not for the need to address the problem, I wouldn't be taking anything.

Oh, there totally is. Pretty much every psych med I've ever seen advertised on TV, along with one for smoking that's actually just another psych med with a different brand name, comes with the warning that they could spike a person into suicidal mode. Do that to an already unstable person, and the risk is definitely there.

Oh no, that could totally happen. You never know.


See that? Silent treatment in text form. ;P
But yeah, seriously, not into ignoring people I talk with. I'll totally miss stuff at times, but that's not intentional, just me not having my head on straight at the moment.

Yeah, that thing sounds like it's already three-fourths of the way towards being a presentable product. (Unless there's a mess when you try to run it on 8, which wouldn't surprise me.)

Didn't think it would be, but I just doublechecked, and no, it's not on Steam either. A store would have to cut a deal with Fox for it to be made available.

Didn't even consider that, but you're right. The forum is ultimately a tiny sliver of GOG's customer base. It's just a very loud sliver at times.

Likewise, I'd rather have physical copies. Just my silliness that I latched onto the one section of gaming that works in physicality the least.
E-books have their uses, but I also like actual books. The experience is different, it's better to me. It gets very annoying at times to have every venue of entertainment and information being bound to machines and electricity.

I'm the same way. I've paid retail for some things on GOG, but there's no way I'll drop 60 on a rental. That's just not going to happen.

That's ridiculous that they removed your book. They never even mentioned why they did it?

Double Fine's done a good job of messing up their rep thanks to Kickstarter problems. They get millions, still can't get the job done, and it all goes downhill from there. And they've just gotten through doing another crowdfunding campaign, they just avoided doing it on Kickstarter, instead using a site that Schafer is linked to.
So that's another 3+ million dollars in their pocket, and a game coming...who knows when.
Post edited February 04, 2016 by CarrionCrow
AgentBirdnest: @__@ ... *collapses*

Not sticking around... just wanted to wish you, and anyone else who is around, a pleasant evenight :-)
*extra-big hug*
I am hoping to be able to get sleepy soon as well, I hate not being able to sleep for so long.

Have a lovely night, Agent. Sleep well and pleasant dreams.

*big goodnight hug*
CarrionCrow: ...
I guess it is a legal part of it all, they have to cover their backs with the side effects just in case someone tries to take them to court over their explosive diarrhoea or suicidal tendencies.

Silent treatment in text form? How to respond in text form... How do I turn my back on you and look all mad with the "I am not talking to you anymore look" in text form? :-)

Again, I fully understand. My head is not always in the best of places, most of the time I force myself to keep responding, but sometimes it becomes too much.

True, I hear there are lots of problems with games on 8 and 10. Was there a Windows 9 that I missed? I did not think it would be on Steam. I guess if the new series takes off we will see a few new X-File games perhaps, and most likely terrible licensed games. :-)

Oh I have ebooks as well for ebook only or really hard to find books, but you can't beat the real thing. Luckily many ebooks are DRM-Free these days as well.

They did not remove the book from me (sorry if I gave that impression), but they did in-fact remove the book from many people's kindle with no warning. Apparently the book was sold illegally, but I still don't like that they took it away without any notice or warning. It means they can take them all away at a moments notice. They have also locked people's accounts for traveling to different countries and trying to read or buy books they own from another region. But I can't remember those stories well enough to comment in any detail.

I saw some posts about Schafer and his own Kickstarter site, which is not surprising given that Kickstarter makes money doing nothing, all they do is host the site. Why wouldn't a greedy businessman want to do the same things.
I think I had better try to get some sleep. And who knows, I might actually manage it for once. :-)

Have a lovely evening, Mr Crow (any everyone else). And as always thank you for the lovely talk. I hope I have not rambled on too much and bored you to tears. :-)

*big goodnight hug*