zeogold: Honestly, sometimes I forget Poland even exists.
Then again, I'm an American, so we forget other countries exist.
Heck, what am I saying? I'm a Californian at that! We forget other STATES exist!
Cannot happen here - they're our direct neighbour after all :)
AgentBirdnest: True, and I'm probably wrong, but I remember thinking the same thing long before this thread started. I can only nathink of one or two :-p
Then again, you could name any country, and I would probably say "there aren't many people from there, either" ;-)
Honestly i don't know that many either but i've seen a lot of Poles in the forums. Well i'd say that would probably happen to me as well but the more you actually think about it the more you might remember.
AgentBirdnest: Who is "Germany"? Does she post in another thread?
Seriousness: Counting the regulars in my head, Germany and the US would be tied.
Are you talking about [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germania_(personification)#/media/File:Image_Germania_(painting).jpg]her[/url]? Haven't seen her in a while :P