EndreWhiteMane: Honestly I'm only interested in the Beyond Earth stuff and I'd like to have online copies of Pirates! and Civ IV so I don't have to open my still sealed CD copies. May enjoy the Ace Patrols too.
Was thinking about that bundle, but with everything GOG's got on sale the next few days, I'll focus on that instead.
Too many list items at too low a price not to.
AgentBirdnest: That sums it up. I
usually don't go for turn-based combat, but sometimes exceptions come along. It looks unique, and seems to have hit a special secret spot in my brain that I didn't know existed :-)
-laughs- That's a good thing. One of the beauties of PC gaming - having so many options that finding entirely new enjoyments is possible.
ElTerprise: It's a Low German word - many Germans would not not understand it :)
Well i guess when you have a quasi-monopoly like Valve does - they don't care about that. But if i'm not mistaken Titanfall is also a Source Engine which is available outside of Steam...
That sounds like Twin-stick emulation on the keyboard. Think i'll give it try.
Then I
really didn't have a chance on that one...
I honestly don't know what the guts of the property licenses are. Hopefully I'm dead wrong, so things like that and Vampire: Bloodlines can end up coming here.
It's not that bad. The first levels are pretty easy and checkpoints are pretty generous, so even if you die while learning, you don't lose much progress.