IAmSinistar: Mine apparently is located in my posterior, since it seems to function best when seated. ;)
Both of you are spot-on here. It's one thing to build upon an existing mythos, as Tolkien did with the Nibelungenlied, and quite another to just pastiche together existing material and established fictional tropes and then try to pass it off as original.
There is an old saying along the lines of "average people are attracted to art that looks like something they could have made themselves". This apparently applies across the board to creative media, since predictable bestsellers and borderline fan-fiction dominate the literary checkout line.
I have heard that mentioned as well as a possible location for the male brain. :-)
I was reading something about Tolkien a few days ago, and did you know he invented over 20 languages, each with their own language structure and grammar? Tolkien was usually very open with the inspirations for his works, and like C. S. Lewis they never tried to act like they invented the wheel. I have no problem in principle with the popular stuff like Potter, but I just wish it was not held up as some godly creation, as though it will replace Shakespeare, with every school teaching Potter 500 years from now. The truth is Potter, like many other modern crazes will be forgotten relatively quickly in the grand scheme of things after the popularity dies down and they are seen for what they are.
If people enjoy them, then that is great, wonderful in fact, it is always nice to see more people reading, but the fanboys just need to calm down and stop worshipping them for something they are not. And they definitely need to ease off with attacking anyone who does not like what they like.