IAmSinistar: I hear ya. I hoping to finally get some time around the holidays to kick back and maybe listen to Marc Almond's latest while sipping something appropriate. Just not absinthe - I like the concept of drinking it, but don't seem to be able enjoy drinking it.
Meanwhile, you better get in whatever sleeping you're going to. Dogs at his age aren't resting, they're recharging. :)
I find the concept of absinthe interesting, but these days I doubt it would wind up being a good experience for me. What is odd though is that I have regained my long-buried appreciation for vodka (buried out of necessity at the time, I've a bit more discipline nowadays) and have been enjoying an occasional mixed drink with the lady. When I drank as a kid, it had to be unflavored vodka, and I couldn't mix it with anything. It's so weird to be enjoying a bit of salted caramel vodka in a glass of coke while we take the pup for a walk around the neighborhood. Makes me think of this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GW22sAElpE I know what you mean about resting vs. recharging. In fact, I've already missed my nap window this time around. Haha. He's officially in adolescence, and it shows. He's the most adorable stubborn little sh*t I know. ;)