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Okay, time for errands. Back in a bit.
NoNewTaleToTell: Hello folks, folksettes and that dog over in the corner, I hope you're having a decent and/or passable day?

Today is a deathrock kinda day. If you don't know what deathrock is, it's basically goth's punk rock sister...which is kinda weird since goth in the beginning was pretty punk rock itself, but just roll with it, yeah?
akhliber: For me, it's Tame Impala's "Currents," which I imagine is a pretty far cry from deathrock. :)
Listening to a songs from that album, I had never heard of them before, and yep it's a long way from deathrock haha. Sounds pretty cool!

I was just listening to a bunch of random songs by Eat Your Makeup, I Was The Murderer is a good place to start with them, as is Bare Your Claws, or Holy Bats.
akhliber: It feels a bit too much like a Terry Gilliam movie sometimes. ;) Speaking of Kafka, I saw this on the webs recently. Need a backpack? ;)
I wish my life was like Baron Von Munchausen's sometimes :)

That backpack looks awesome! Imagining the stares that could get outside :)
IAmSinistar: I hear ya. I hoping to finally get some time around the holidays to kick back and maybe listen to Marc Almond's latest while sipping something appropriate. Just not absinthe - I like the concept of drinking it, but don't seem to be able enjoy drinking it.

Meanwhile, you better get in whatever sleeping you're going to. Dogs at his age aren't resting, they're recharging. :)
I find the concept of absinthe interesting, but these days I doubt it would wind up being a good experience for me. What is odd though is that I have regained my long-buried appreciation for vodka (buried out of necessity at the time, I've a bit more discipline nowadays) and have been enjoying an occasional mixed drink with the lady. When I drank as a kid, it had to be unflavored vodka, and I couldn't mix it with anything. It's so weird to be enjoying a bit of salted caramel vodka in a glass of coke while we take the pup for a walk around the neighborhood. Makes me think of this:

I know what you mean about resting vs. recharging. In fact, I've already missed my nap window this time around. Haha. He's officially in adolescence, and it shows. He's the most adorable stubborn little sh*t I know. ;)
Post edited December 08, 2015 by akhliber
NoNewTaleToTell: I was just listening to a bunch of random songs by Eat Your Makeup, I Was The Murderer is a good place to start with them, as is Bare Your Claws, or Holy Bats.
These guys are pretty interesting, thanks for the new music. :) Of those you suggested, I think I like Holy Bats the most... reminds me just a bit of some older SWANS songs.

**Okay, it looks like I will be accomplishing something today. I'd forgotten that my xmas present from the lady was being delivered again today (as I wasn't home when they attempted yesterday)... so it looks like I'll have to pull off *not opening it right away* even though I really, really, really want to. I suppose I can do that much today, especially considering it revolves around the not-doing of something. ;)
Post edited December 08, 2015 by akhliber
Got myself an used copy of Bayonetta. Awesome,always wanted to play this game.
l0rdtr3k: Got myself an used copy of Bayonetta. Awesome,always wanted to play this game.
Ew, bet it's all sticky. :P
l0rdtr3k: Got myself an used copy of Bayonetta. Awesome,always wanted to play this game.
IAmSinistar: Ew, bet it's all sticky. :P

Hi thread!
l0rdtr3k: Got myself an used copy of Bayonetta. Awesome,always wanted to play this game.
IAmSinistar: Ew, bet it's all sticky. :P
Wow... just - wow LOL. I laughed. I actually rented this game (oh my God, what's a rental store?!?!?!) back on console. I had heard good things and while I did somewhat enjoy it I just couldn't "get into it." The button mashing was fun though and some of the moves were quite weird.

*edit to add I also LOVED that the two sets of guns were known as "Scarborough Fair" and called Rosemary, Sage, Parsley and Thyme. I lost it ;)
Post edited December 08, 2015 by Ixamyakxim
Ixamyakxim: Wow... just - wow LOL. I laughed. I actually rented this game (oh my God, what's a rental store?!?!?!) back on console. I had heard good things and while I did somewhat enjoy it I just couldn't "get into it." The button mashing was fun though and some of the moves were quite weird.
Never played it, but got the impression that it was fan service first, game second. Possibly game came even lower, in fact.
IAmSinistar: Never played it, but got the impression that it was fan service first, game second. Possibly game came even lower, in fact.
I think I would have liked it more if I had been a fan of the Devil May Cry series but as it was I could tell it was a decent game in that vein but just not my thing. Plus it was... odd. Nothing about it was overtly awful though. I actually DID play a "game" that was what you described above that was absolutely terrible (also console). I was excited for the stylized art style and general strangeness I had seen in the previews but the thing was just all out terrible. It shall remain nameless to protect the not so innocent.
The thread's silent again!
IAmSinistar: Never played it, but got the impression that it was fan service first, game second. Possibly game came even lower, in fact.
I've played it for 2 hours now. It's game first then fanservice.
Don't jump to conclusions before playing a game an no,the copy wasn't sticky.
l0rdtr3k: The thread's silent again!
IAmSinistar: Never played it, but got the impression that it was fan service first, game second. Possibly game came even lower, in fact.
l0rdtr3k: I've played it for 2 hours now. It's game first then fanservice.
Don't jump to conclusions before playing a game an no,the copy wasn't sticky.
Hey Lord, next step then get a Wii U and Bayonetta 2 :) *hugs* How are you?
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hey Lord, next step then get a Wii U and Bayonetta 2 :) *hugs* How are you?
Thing is,I talked to all of my friends on both game stores I go to and they all recommended the PS4. I would love the Wii U but Nintendo pulled out from Brazil due to taxes being to high.
Good evening, quiet little thread!

Hmmm. I wonder what name we should give the thread? How about Fred? Fred the thread! :-)