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Stilton: Chimichanga!
Tetrazzini! (Greeting each other with what we ate for breakfast?) :-)
Post edited December 04, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Stilton: Chimichanga!

No, I can't see it...

Hi all. How' know....errrmm.... Ahhh, forget it...
CarrionCrow: -laughs-

GOG must be breaking at the moment. It's showing in my "topics you've participated in" list, and it loads when I click on that, so it's looking like some kind of forum bug.

Good afternoon. =) My whatever is fine at the moment. How's it going on your end?
A forum bug? Shirley Knott....

My whatever is sleep deprived and making my head feel like a wildebeest did a monumental turd in it. Maybe even two. I can't remember the last time I had a decent night's coma. I also had to go into the nearest town this morning in an ugly rectangular box filled with strangers and walk for about six miles, returning home in a similarly ugly rectangular box this time with fewer strangers. I've come to realize why Terry Gilliam's films look the way they do -- THE GUY NEVER SLEEPS!!! Apart from that, I'm pretty chipper. :-)

How's the day with you, kamikaze potted plants notwithstanding?

Stilton: Chimichanga!
AgentBirdnest: Tetrazzini! (Greeting each other with what we ate for breakfast?) :-)
I didn't even know what it was! I saw some dork use it in a post a few pages back and thought I'd borrow it. :-)

ONLY KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post edited December 04, 2015 by Stilton
Stilton: A forum bug? Shirley Knott....

My whatever is sleep deprived and making my head feel like a wildebeest did a monumental turd in it. Maybe even two. I can't remember the last time I had a decent night's coma. I also had to go into the nearest town this morning in an ugly rectangular box filled with strangers and walk for about six miles, returning home in a similarly ugly rectangular box this time with fewer strangers. I've come to realize why Terry Gilliam's films look the way they do -- THE GUY NEVER SLEEPS!!! Apart from that, I'm pretty chipper. :-)

How's the day with you, kamikaze potted plants notwithstanding?
You've got to tell the wildlife to stop defecating there. It's incredibly difficult to get the shit out after they put it there.

Must have been something important for you to engage in that fried from lack of sleep.
Only 1:23.45 to go until phase two, that's nice. :-)
Hopefully they put something exciting on sale to boost my awake level :D
Stilton: Only 1:23.45 to go until phase two, that's nice. :-)
Hoping there are some list items to make up for the extra wait. Pretty much everything I can grab will be piecemeal aside from maybe the Gamers series of movies.
CarrionCrow: You've got to tell the wildlife to stop defecating there. It's incredibly difficult to get the shit out after they put it there.

Must have been something important for you to engage in that fried from lack of sleep.
It was a quick medical thing at the local hospital. I asked them if they could remove the wildebeest shit while I was there and they just looked at me blankly. Years of expensive study to wear an expression like two coats of magnolia emulsion. Pfft.
moonshineshadow: Hopefully they put something exciting on sale to boost my awake level :D
Moon, you and me both. I've not felt this bad for...for... Well, yeah, that long.
Post edited December 04, 2015 by Stilton
Stilton: It was a quick medical thing at the local hospital. I asked them if they could remove the wildebeest shit while I was there and they just looked at me blankly. Years of expensive study to wear an expression like two coats of magnolia emulsion. Pfft.
No surprise there. Hopefully you got just slightly better results from what you initially went there for.

Also, this might be useful as a pick-me-up. Use max volume for best results.

Also also, 68 minutes to go.
Post edited December 04, 2015 by CarrionCrow
moonshineshadow: Hopefully they put something exciting on sale to boost my awake level :D
Stilton: Moon, you and me both. I've not felt this bad for...for... Well, yeah, that long.
*failed energising hug* At least I tried :D
Stilton: Only 1:23.45 to go until phase two, that's nice. :-)
CarrionCrow: Hoping there are some list items to make up for the extra wait. Pretty much everything I can grab will be piecemeal aside from maybe the Gamers series of movies.
I'm just hoping for a couple of little somethings to make me feel like life has some meagre value after all.... Jeez, do I sound depressed. I'm not that bad, really. :-) Being overtired is a bit like having one tipple too many: reality gets gently stretched in a different direction and its interesting to see where it goes. Its me, the tin-hatted one, 'Ol horny head, honestly. ;-)
Stilton: I'm just hoping for a couple of little somethings to make me feel like life has some meagre value after all.... Jeez, do I sound depressed. I'm not that bad, really. :-) Being overtired is a bit like having one tipple too many: reality gets gently stretched in a different direction and its interesting to see where it goes. Its me, the tin-hatted one, 'Ol horny head, honestly. ;-)
Life does have value. Meaning? Not so much. Overall point to any of it? Probably not. Ultimate goal? Look at oblivion, recognize it for the obliteration of any thought of significance that it is, then laugh your ass off anyway. ;)
Stilton: Moon, you and me both. I've not felt this bad for...for... Well, yeah, that long.
moonshineshadow: *failed energising hug* At least I tried :D
Thank you for trying, hug-meister, :-)

And it did work ;-)
Don't forget cookies. Like is pointless without cookies...
Howdy all, sorry so many are tired today, hope you all get some good rest soon.
I'm doing OK today, actually slept rather well for a change.
One hour to go. I'm so excited. ;)
AgentBirdnest: Don't forget cookies. Like is pointless without cookies...
Post edited December 04, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
EndreWhiteMane: Howdy all, sorry so many are tired today, hope you all get some good rest soon.
I'm doing OK today, actually slept rather well for a change.
One hour to go. I'm so excited. ;)
AgentBirdnest: Don't forget cookies. Like is pointless without cookies...
EndreWhiteMane: Amen
Good morning. =)

Agreed. Shaking with sheer anticipation. (Or I need another cup of coffee.)