EndreWhiteMane: I get the feeling I've never, ever been anywhere before.
I call it Vuja Da'. :-)
Edit: You said you wanted the houses done 'before winter really sets in', when does your winter get the worst? Ours has been here for some time now.
Vuja Da you say, that sounds painful. :-)
I just feel like I have missed about 4 hours today. I have been working on the greenhouse by myself, and I must have just got lost in my own thoughts, as by the time I finished the section I was on, four hours had passed and I have this strange feeling like no time has passed since I started. As though I jumped ahead 4 hours, if you know what I mean.
It seems to vary these days when winter gets worse here. It used to be December/January time, but it sometimes only starts to snow in late January/February, as it is doing now. We don't have them as bad as you in the US, but then you Americans pride yourselves on doing everything bigger than everyone else. :-)
AgentBirdnest: *tips an imaginary hat to everyone*
Good mornoon, my friends. Hope the day is treating you well.
Good morning, Agent!
How are you doing today? *big hug*
HypersomniacLive: That's probably a side-effect from overdoing it with the loops yesterday. ;-P
It could be. :-)
Or maybe it is just the lack of sleep catching up with me. Not that it bothers me, I still got my work done, even if I can't remember doing it. :-)
How are you today, Hyper?