Defil3d3500: Can I get some help with the game "The bard's Tale?"
The game is still using my Integrated graphics instead of dedicated Nvidia GPU, plus it has the slow motion bug, and on top of this Riviatuner and MSI Afterburner does not show any data like it normally does. Please help.
Specs: I7-4700HQ 2.4-3.4GHz Quad-Core CPU(throttlestop enabled), 8GB DDR3 1600MHz Ram, and Nvidia GeForce Gtx 860M (OC +135MHz on Cycle Speed and +350 MHz on Memory). I've tried every fix for the slow motion bug on GOG's support page, including using the Nvidia control panel to force turn off V-sync, as for not using my GPU no matter what settings i turn on or off, all max, or all low, the game runs EXACTLY the same. I can turn on clamping, 16X Filtering and override AA and supersampling and it runs exactly as if i had reverted the game to defaults. It runs not exactly at a low framerate, just in slow motion. Basically I need a fix to force the game (and by extension almost every old GoG game i have bought) to use my Nvidia GPU, and a fix for the slow motion bug. If anyone can help please do. The support page for GoG isn't helping.
Btw, i tried making a new topic about 60 times but it keeps saying 'Please wait. Processing..." Forever. So until the website stops bugging ill ask for help here.
In my experience they are really thorough in trying to help.
I have Nvidia 860M and once made some changes in the computer's panel for what is the default device and then all gog games have been running properly fast - aside the ones that require a bit other sort of tinkering.
Sorry can't give you the details since I'm at work.