maddgamer2: HI ALL i'm the new guy on the block and even after 50+ years of gaming I still am not much of a computer person. I had a very good friend who died in 2014 and he was an expert on anything computer. I have to fend for myself now. I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this but I thought that it would get more reads here
I love the old games and I have just bought the M&M collection and had some problems with installing them. I use a LG 65" HDMI 4K 3D TV for my monitor and I have figured out a way to install and run the games but there might be a better way. I got the
Dos Box mini window for all the games and for games 6-9 the 'DIRECT DRAW FAILED" error message. If I change the resolution on the desktop to 1280 x 1020 they will run. Without getting real technical is there a way I can improve resolution and color within the game folders rather than in windows itself? Is it possible to write a new patch file or exe file to improve resolution and color
without affecting the windows settings on the computer? I hope someone can make sense of what I am asking and if so thanks in advance and if not well I hope I don't look like to much of a computer idiot.

j0ekerr: If I'm reading this right you're asking if you can improve the resolution and color depth of the game itself.
The short answer is no, the long answer is
absolutely no. The games were designed to run with a limited colour pallete and at a given resolution and that's what they have, Increasing both of them would mean remaking all of the artwork from scratch... which is exactly what the HD remastered version of HoMM 3 has done (although poorly).
hat is what I was thinking. I should be happy I can run them eith just a change in resolution on the desk top
EndreWhiteMane: Last time I did that i actually put blisters on the fingers of my left hand. Couldn't play again for about two weeks. :-)
johnnygoging: I had to stop after like 3 minutes.
BEEN THERE DONE THAT I try to get in 30 minutes a day (down from my misspent youth of 4 HR. a day) The computer gets most of my time. I have gone way past being able to justify having 4 acoustic/electric guitars two of which are custom built 8 are worth about 8K EACH. obtained by selling substances many many years ago.
TitansVolsMike: Please help. I want to know if I bought Ultimate General Gettysburg on Steam if I can play online with someone who bought it on GOG?
I have that game and I was wondering to. Logic would say that because you can play 2 ways:
1. human vs. computer
2. human vs. human on a server online.
I would go to the community page on steam or to the game page by the publisher to find out.