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Stilton: Hi Wol:-)

I'm watching horror films and finishing my downloading marathon!

How's the coffee?
Empress_Owl: Which horror films ? are you training for Halloween ? :)
The coffee is... dark... warm... and good. Want some ?
**Big happy & tired monday hug**
PS : congrats on your marathon ending !!! \o/
To be honest, its Halloween most of the year around here :-)

I'm working my way through some of the old Universal horrors of the 30s and 40s. They're wonderfully theatrical and great entertainment. Five star films from beginning to end.

I'd love some coffee. I woke up at 4.30-5.00am and feel a bit sluggish. Maybe I should connect some electrodes like Frankenstein and give myself a jolt.

Are you a work? Did you sort out that new website?
AgentBirdnest: Good mornight Stilty, Crow, Wings.
*tips helmet*

Happy October 19.
My prediction for this week's "Staff Picks": the website breaks.
Hi Agent, happy Moonday :-)

That prediction doesn't sound far off the mark :(

Have you just woken up?
Post edited October 19, 2015 by Stilton
AgentBirdnest: Good mornight Stilty, Crow, Wings.
*tips helmet*

Happy October 19.
My prediction for this week's "Staff Picks": the website breaks.
Stop being so sarcastic, you :)
**Big hug**
What's up ?
Stilton: Basil Rathbone has moved into his dad's old place and Bela Lugosi has convinced him to zap Boris Karloff back into the land of the semi-living. I love this stuff :-)

Do the other two characters offer alternate routes through the game (replayability) or are they linked to the main character? Sounds like you could be just over half way dungeon-wise (that's the kind of terminology that can only happen with PC games), so it looks like you've broken the back of it.

I broke the sequence at the end and downloaded some much smaller items in the Zs - I was getting impatient and wanted to stop fooling with the library pages, which are frankly frustrating when you have to deal with such a large chunk of data, so now I've got the two Witchers, Wings of Prey and The Wolf Among Us stacked and downloading at their own pace. Set and forget, I think someone who has been though similar pain called it :-)
There's a value to the old movies that the newer ones don't ever have. It's a different kind of experience watching those. Guess that's what defines them as classics.

The story's the same all the way through. You only take one character through the game. The difference is in how the classes play.

It's the slog factor. The dungeons get bigger, enemies get more HP, more armor, more spell resistance. Will need to clear the first run completely to know for sure, but I'm thinking there's still a long way to go.

Yes, the library does get a bit unwieldy when doing masses of downloading. Fortunately you're almost done.
If it's any consolation, I cleared my backup when I had a little less than half the speed you have now. You're moving much faster.

-laughs- Set and forget is good when you can do it. I've been putting off doing the mass update, but it's well overdue. That's going to range from hours to days depending on how much needs to be condensed, updated and replaced with newer files.
Stilton: To be honest, its Halloween most of the year around here :-)

I'm working my way through some of the old Universal horrors of the 30s and 40s. They're wonderfully theatrical and great entertainment. Five star films from beginning to end.

I'd love some coffee. I woke up at 4.30-5.00am and feel a bit sluggish. Maybe I should connect some electrodes like Frankenstein and give myself a jolt.

Are you a work? Did you sort out that new website?
Ho, you're lucky ! and so is your mini V.
Here, nobody (or almost) in my circle celebrates Halloween. The best memories I have is when I organiazed big costume parties at 17-18 with my school mates (we struggled to find stuff and decorations back then, because it wasn't very popular back then). Now there are kids who come and knock at our door for candies, that's all :)
... which website ?...
(be careful with your electrodes !!)
Stilton: Hi Agent, happy Moonday :-)

That prediction doesn't sound far off the mark :(

Have you just woken up?
Moonday? Does that mean Moon will come out of hiding today? :-)

Been awake for about 97 minutes. Eating peanut butter.
Empress_Owl: Stop being so sarcastic, you :)
**Big hug**
What's up ?
**Massive epic super happy hug**
Just reading the news, doing a Sudoku to wake up my brain, and talking to you lovely people ;-)
How was your weekend?
Stilton: Basil Rathbone has moved into his dad's old place and Bela Lugosi has convinced him to zap Boris Karloff back into the land of the semi-living. I love this stuff :-) ....

....Set and forget, I think someone who has been though similar pain called it :-)
CarrionCrow: There's a value to the old movies that the newer ones don't ever have. It's a different kind of experience watching those. Guess that's what defines them as classics.

The story's the same all the way through. You only take one character through the game. The difference is in how the classes play.

It's the slog factor. The dungeons get bigger, enemies get more HP, more armor, more spell resistance. Will need to clear the first run completely to know for sure, but I'm thinking there's still a long way to go.

Yes, the library does get a bit unwieldy when doing masses of downloading. Fortunately you're almost done.
If it's any consolation, I cleared my backup when I had a little less than half the speed you have now. You're moving much faster.

-laughs- Set and forget is good when you can do it. I've been putting off doing the mass update, but it's well overdue. That's going to range from hours to days depending on how much needs to be condensed, updated and replaced with newer files.
There's a bigger time investment than expected when a game collection grows to this size. For me playing has taken a back seat the last few days. The management of that stuff, the downloading, copying, backing up, updating - it amounts to something like employment.

Its the page back tab that irritates with the library. Its second nature and should return to the page you were one, not back to page one. I'e had to relocate several times to resume what I was doing.

The old movies had an earnestness about them that modern films have forgotten. The characters are larger than life and their motives and emotions all the more understandable as a consequence. Sophistication isn't always a good thing.
Empress_Owl: Good morning, guys :)
**Big hugs with coffee**
How are you doing ?
Good morning. =)

-breaks out the freshly exorcised wading pool full of nice fresh coffee-

Doing all right here. Good music, decent stimulants, trying and failing to be creative. -laughs-

How are you?
Stilton: To be honest, its Halloween most of the year around here :-)

I'm working my way through some of the old Universal horrors of the 30s and 40s. They're wonderfully theatrical and great entertainment. Five star films from beginning to end.

I'd love some coffee. I woke up at 4.30-5.00am and feel a bit sluggish. Maybe I should connect some electrodes like Frankenstein and give myself a jolt.

Are you a work? Did you sort out that new website?
Empress_Owl: Ho, you're lucky ! and so is your mini V.
Here, nobody (or almost) in my circle celebrates Halloween. The best memories I have is when I organiazed big costume parties at 17-18 with my school mates (we struggled to find stuff and decorations back then, because it wasn't very popular back then). Now there are kids who come and knock at our door for candies, that's all :)
... which website ?...
(be careful with your electrodes !!)
You can still have a fun Halloween at home with your family. A pumpkin, some appropriate foods (food colourings are good - try green pancakes), some fun creepy games and a movie or two. Like anything else, its what you make it. I can't resist it so I always enjoy myself :-)

Did you say you were looking for a new website to base your work's business? Or something like that... Maybe I'm imagining things...

This is what can happen if you don't know what you're doing with electrodes:

"Hey, Frank! Quit smoking or you'll stunt your growth!"
AgentBirdnest: **Massive epic super happy hug**
Just reading the news, doing a Sudoku to wake up my brain, and talking to you lovely people ;-)
How was your weekend?
Cool :)
My weekend was nice, I saw many friends, had a walk to LILLE Wazemmes' big weekly market, saw the crushing defeat of French rugbymen, ate and drank a lot (not related), and played the Sims while knitting a hat for my son AND watching Asterix cartoons (3 things at the same time, which is awesome) n__n
Stilton: There's a bigger time investment than expected when a game collection grows to this size. For me playing has taken a back seat the last few days. The management of that stuff, the downloading, copying, backing up, updating - it amounts to something like employment.

Its the page back tab that irritates with the library. Its second nature and should return to the page you were one, not back to page one. I'e had to relocate several times to resume what I was doing.

The old movies had an earnestness about them that modern films have forgotten. The characters are larger than life and their motives and emotions all the more understandable as a consequence. Sophistication isn't always a good thing.
When they get into the hundreds, absolutely. Put mine off for a while, now it's going to take a while to get everything straight. But it's better to do so now than wait til it's adding stuff from the next sale. If that goes well, it's another 50 items to add to the stack, would be good to have everything done well beforehand.

And yes, it's all a pain in the ass. But I like it better than letting someone else decide what I want, how I want it and what I can do with it.

That isa weird way to have things set up. Just a bit on the counter-intuitive side.

Sophistication, or pretension? I've seen reviewers rip movies to pieces that tried so hard to be so sophisticated, but in actuality all they turned out to be was needlessly complicated, ultimately soulless crap.

Additional - Going to post this here since I think people can appreciate the song.
AgentBirdnest: Good mornight Stilty, Crow, Wings.
*tips helmet*

Happy October 19.
My prediction for this week's "Staff Picks": the website breaks.
Good morning. =)

-searches in vain for a hat to tip in return, fails, mutters "fuck it" and just waves instead- =)
Post edited October 19, 2015 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

-breaks out the freshly exorcised wading pool full of nice fresh coffee-

Doing all right here. Good music, decent stimulants, trying and failing to be creative. -laughs-

How are you?
Haaaaa my wading pool is fixed !!!! \o/ Thanks !!!!
**dive happily in coffee**
Huhu... creative ?... in which way, if I may ask ? :)
I'm good, thanks !! :))
Empress_Owl: Cool :)
My weekend was nice, I saw many friends, had a walk to LILLE Wazemmes' big weekly market, saw the crushing defeat of French rugbymen, ate and drank a lot (not related), and played the Sims while knitting a hat for my son AND watching Asterix cartoons (3 things at the same time, which is awesome) n__n
Nice! Lot's of stuff! :-)
I looked up the results of the rugby match, and saw words like "trashed" and "humiliated" ... :-p Not really my sport, but sorry to hear that anyway.
Could you give me any advice for a new Sims player? :-)
Stilton: You can still have a fun Halloween at home with your family. A pumpkin, some appropriate foods (food colourings are good - try green pancakes), some fun creepy games and a movie or two. Like anything else, its what you make it. I can't resist it so I always enjoy myself :-)

Did you say you were looking for a new website to base your work's business? Or something like that... Maybe I'm imagining things...

This is what can happen if you don't know what you're doing with electrodes:

"Hey, Frank! Quit smoking or you'll stunt your growth!"
Ho yeah, you're right... I'll see what we can do... first, find pumpkins ):-| ... then, costumes or the owlets. Candies. Fake spiders... haha (my mom HATED these... we always hid them, especially when it was not Halloween anymore hehe)
Ho yeah... Now we're looking for someone who'll make our website, before hosting it, so I take a break in my researches :)
Lol... that smoke over his head... reminds me bad memories of math classes.
Empress_Owl: Haaaaa my wading pool is fixed !!!! \o/ Thanks !!!!
**dive happily in coffee**
Huhu... creative ?... in which way, if I may ask ? :)
I'm good, thanks !! :))
Not a problem. Just had to find a more terrifying entity than the ones messing the pool up.

Writing-related on a deadline. Course, nothing wants to come out right. Such a pain. Oh well, I'll figure it out.
AgentBirdnest: Nice! Lot's of stuff! :-)
I looked up the results of the rugby match, and saw words like "trashed" and "humiliated" ... :-p Not really my sport, but sorry to hear that anyway.
Could you give me any advice for a new Sims player? :-)
I love watching rugby... almost as much as I don't give a pluck about football :))
Which Sims version do you have ? You have never played it ?...
The 3 is very nice, and the 4 is not bad either (this is the one i'm playing nowadays)
Not really advice... what will take time to begin is creating your character (and the NPC if you want to do some), but it's really funny to do... same with the houses, but you can chose an already built (crappy) one to start... anyway, you start with few money, so don't expect to build a castle before a few weeks ;-p (unless you cheat >:-|)
CarrionCrow: Not a problem. Just had to find a more terrifying entity than the ones messing the pool up.

Writing-related on a deadline. Course, nothing wants to come out right. Such a pain. Oh well, I'll figure it out.
A most.. terrifying entity ?... ,',',',,',',',',,':-| **slowly turning around**
Ho... a writing contest, or something ?... an article ?... :D
Post edited October 19, 2015 by Empress_Owl