Stilton: I can never work out which prefer out of Halloween and Christmas. Reveling in all that is supernatural, bloody and dismembered gives Halloween a strong lead, but by the time December 20th rolls around I'm going all dewy eyed and humming inane songs about snow and chestnuts...
I've got the virgin and priestess all ready in the spare room. I'll slip the shieldmaiden some 'sleep assistance' half an hour before the off and then I'll light the candles. Can't do a good horror film without some cabaret ;-)
I'm like you and get withdrawal symptoms if there isn't something game-related either on my monitor or downloading. For a relatively recent convert to PC games I seem to have grabbed the bug with a passion.
Got some more family things to do so I'll be busy for a couple of hours - keep my place warm...
If you enjoy the other one, more power to you. Easier choice for me, no contest every single time.
-laughs- Might want to give that idea a trial run first. If the assistance doesn't do its job properly, your lovely evening could turn into concussions and dead people in the living room.
Everyone needs a hobby. As hobbies go, this one is pretty low maintenance and surprisingly affordable with all the sales.
It's the weekend. Pretty much everyone has stuff to do at some point, not much chance of your seat getting stolen.