Tallima: homogeneity in the CMB radiation
apehater: i'm going to look up, what that means, at this
page. can you take a look as well to see if it is sufficient.
That looks right. They talk about the temp being expected to be the same whereas I read just the opposite. I read that they didn't expect the temperature to be the same b/c things shouldn't have spread out particularly evenly and in such great order. Interesting.
So that is the CMB.
I was also thinking about the VSL theory and how it could affect things like this:
http://www.space.com/11386-galaxies-formation-big-bang-hubble-telescope.html It says that galaxies formed hundreds of millions of years faster than expected. Perhaps light was still slowing down rapidly (as it constantly is with VSL theory) and when it 's that early in the universe, it was more noticable (so instead of seeing something 13.4 billion light years away and seeing it as it was 13.4 billion years ago, we'd actually be seeing something 13.4 billion light years away, but perhaps 13 billion light years old (the original expected galaxy formation date). Of course, I'm making up numbers here. I have no idea how fast the exponential decline happened.
Anyhoots, it's all interesting. But it's also all fairly unprovable at this point. For me, it was interesting b/c inflation was the only thing ever considered. But there are non-psycho physicists who have some good alternative options.
P.S. Anyone play Sir I'm Being Hunted? I just quit it. It's freaking hard! I couldn't find a hatchet. I only had 2 rounds of ammo in a rifle. I couldn't figure it out. Very hard game! And panic-inducing!
PPS Maybe I'll go back to it. I was just remembering I thin there's a guy that starts with a hatchet!