ddickinson: Bonjour! *big afternoon hug*
I'm doing wonderful, thank you. My partner has taken a few weeks off work to help me out on the farm. Which means no more 14-18 hours days, and with any luck, I will get my Sunday off work back as well, so I won't need to be working 7 days a week (YAY!).
How are you doing this fine day?
Happy to see you doing
wonderful, DD !! :-D
These are good news... at last, you can take some rest...
I'm not too bad... still some lacks of sleep (thanks to my baby owl's new teeth... yes ! we, owls, have teeth !!), which begin to affect my mood, but nothing serious. :)
LaPtiteBete: Anybody want some coffee ?...
ddickinson: None for me thanks (I don't like coffee), but I think I will have a nice cup of tea. :-)
I have tea, too... Lipton "breakfast", random green tea with mint, or Twinning's Earl Grey...