Posted September 24, 2015

I've never played any of the Doom games but the first one, and that so long ago that I don't remember any of it but that first base level, which I had memorized. I know I beat it, but that's it. I look forward to slogging through 2 and 3 sometime just for the sake of "I always wanted to play them back in the day but couldn't, for whatever reason." I certainly know better than to expect great things out of them. XD It sounds like Doom 2 went out of its way to be particularly ridiculous, though.
For the console thing, in hindsight I should've gotten a PS 3. The damned thing would probably still be working then.
I envy your console collection, lost mine years ago. Could go rom hunting, but at this point what's the use. It's not like I don't already have roughly ten years worth of crap that I've already paid for.
And yes, I've had that happen while playing Fallout Tactics. I told the person, "Well, you know what comes next, right?" then I saved over their game in return. =)
It's fitting that you use the word "slog".
Both 1 and 2 have that feel to them. Got them for that same reason, to play them after not getting a chance to before. But without that nostalgia factor, it comes down to the hard fact that for me, Doom 1 and 2 are essentially Jump Scare - The Series, AKA Who The Fuck Is Shooting Me, AKA How The Hell Does the Demon Army Function When Their Bases Are Designed By A Blind Lunatic Who's Obsessed With Keycards.
And yes, the final boss fight is fucking stupid. But along with the other problems with the series, it doesn't contain a "I'm too stupid to live, so let's suck a shotgun barrel" button. So I just deleted it instead.