FearfulSymmetry: Definitely true. From what I heard the police was already visiting that building slightly too often, anyway. There was a guy with a drug problem on the lowest floor and a woman who was in a crappy relationship who needed police intervention all the time as well.
FearfulSymmetry: oh gods then yes, stay away if the police have been called there before. I rented a house once that wound up being across the street from some drug dealers (it was a nice neighborhood and a beautiful house.. should have know it was too good to be true). It was a weekly battle dealing with them, between the noise, traffic, them being idiots. gods. eventually one of the grandchildren decided to light her mattress on fire and burnt the house down. it was so nice when they moved away.
Crewdroog: i'd totally buy them.
CarrionCrow: You can have the first one free of charge. Course, between bad nerves and shaking arthritic hands it might take a couple years to get the actual learning to sew part down, but so long as you're willing to wait...
a chance to own a one of a kind crow throw pillow with profanity lovingly stitched into it? hell yeah i'll wait!
EndreWhiteMane: I was just catching up on the thread and was going to say something like this.
What an awesome place to play mindgames with people in. :-)
Think I'll go give my landlord a big kiss of appreciation now. I pay, I'm left alone. Simple.
CarrionCrow: It'd be something to do when you're about to move. Set the mindfuck off then leave without telling anyone where you're going so you aren't directly involved when one tenant knifes another while screaming about the ghost infestation.
Yeah, it's good to have people who don't feel the need to have crazy shit happening all the time. As much as I'd like to live in an actual city with things to do, I'll admit I'm getting a bit spoiled living out in the middle of nowhere with convenient access to guns and plenty of places to bury people...
(I'm kidding again, NSA, calm down. Not going to bury anyone, the ground's too damned hard to do it. Can't be sneaky when you need a frigging backhoe.)
everything. all of this. hahahaha omg i'm dying over here.