EndreWhiteMane: I hate when people do that, kinda wastes most of the day.
Weather here has been more like September than August, not complaining at all but it's extremely odd for August not to try to kill us at least a few times.
Had to watch my tongue and not snap at people today but otherwise work went fine.
Other than being unfocused and a few sweats/chills the changeover is OK so far, I'll get an EKG next week before changing over completely. Make sure the new stuff isn't messing with the ticker.
Being a human chemistry set is a dirty job, but someone has to do it. :-)
Yeah, it's a little bit of a nerve fryer when people say they have things they want to do, then proceed to utterly contradict every mentioned goal.
Hey, at least somebody's getting the decent weather. Around here, it's heat, heat, heat, more heat, and the sky is frigging gray since the nearby states are evidently burning to the ground bit by bit.
As thrilling as that sounds, they can let you take a break, maybe enlist someone else for that job. But on the bright side, at least they're keeping an eye on possible med side effects that might pop up.
moonshineshadow: *big I hope everything goes well hug*
*wave for Crow*
Just a short visit before trying again to get some sleep (it is half past three here...)
-big dorky wave back so you can at least have something to laugh at if you can't sleep- ;)
And now, to run more errands. Because delivery people aren't willing to drive this far, even if you tip generously.