EndreWhiteMane: Hiya DD. You managing OK today?
*hiya hug*
I have been better, and I think it will get worse next week due to me stopping the stronger painkillers (I think they are causing my nausea and I want to see if stopping them lets me eat something without issue). I have lost way too much weight for my liking and it shows little sign of stopping at the moment due to the nausea, so I want to see if it is the painkillers causing it.
Other that that I am doing very good, thank you. I had a lovely day with my partner, and a visit from one of my sister-in-law and her daughters. I got some lovely homemade wedding gifts from them as well, which was very sweet.
How are you? I hope you are feeling better and are having a nice day?
*big hug*
ElTerprise: Yes i did. As always. The weather being pretty nice also helped a lot :)
Glad to hear that and i'm still hoping for some improvement health wise soon :).
Can imagine that getting those made you really happy :)
Glad to hear the weather was nice. Did you see any swamp monsters? :-)
Thank you. I am sure it will improve, it's just taking far longer than I had hoped.
AgentBirdnest: But burning things is the only thing that fills the big empty hole inside :'-O
Oh, well, I just found my password... No burning today. Tant pis :-p
How about we see if there is a burning simulator game? That way you could burn all you want. :-)