Tarnicus: I've spent most of winter in the lounge room (where I moved my bed and computer) because there is a slow combustion heater here, and I have it burning almost all the time. I'm adapting slowly and 10°C now feels like a warm day to me and 0°C overnight means it is comfortable. It got as low as -8°C, which isn't something I have experienced before. I've only got mild cabin fever from being stuck indoors :P Take into account that walking is my means of transport, and as a result I am learning to stock up and plan in advance so I don't have to leave the house on the coldest of days. Come summer time it will hit mid to high 30s here, and I can't wait!
Edit: that large snowfall day our town was cut off, all roads close. Something I've only ever experienced due to cyclonic winds and storms.
Although i'm not a friend of them those temperatures are not that uncommon here. Iiirc the lowest i ever experienced was -15°C and it's currently about 16°C here. Which is fine for me. Those high 30°C are nothing for me - can't stand those high temperatures. I'm used to mild temperatures :).
Any idea how you'll ave to deal with that weather?
LeoLR: So I went drinking and driving...
Don't make the same mistake, kids!
What game is that? It looks somewhat familiar....
And it's clear. You need some other beer for driving :P