Crewdroog: Alright folks I need some help. I am trying to find a fun ARPG/Hack 'n Slash (diablo clone, etc etc) to play. So far I have played both torchlights (meh), Fate: Traitors Soul (fun, but losing me b/c no skill trees), Din's Curse (UI meh), Path of Exile (LOVE but computer too stupid to play), and of course the old diablos (all three).
Any suggestions? I am downloading Sacred Gold, Van Helsing 1 and Nox.
GreenDamsel: Sacred Gold and Titan Quest.
Come back when you finish these.
CarrionCrow: Seems like Neil wants a continued excuse to throw things. He might be in a bad relationship.
That sounds like some thrilling reading in general. If the throw things/don't throw things debate goes for more than two paragraphs, you might want to consider switching to a pure adrenaline I.V.
Loud music can only do so much.
GreenDamsel: There were 2 papers about their collaborative innovation testing methods. About 40 pages.
I was looking at titan quest last night. Maybe I will just cave in and buy it. Thanks! :)