EndreWhiteMane: You've only been here 8 months and your rep is at 644.
Some people such as myself take years to get that high.
Like you I help when I can and gift when I can afford to, to someone I feel deserves it.
You've been very 'flamboyant' in the forums, hence your popularity and high rep.
Did you REALLY think you wouldn't gain a few enemies along the way?
Be realistic, you're already doing MUCH better than most for your short time here.
gunsynd: Sorry Endre,maybe it's just my thinking but to me it's a slap in the face.
Sure I've made a few enemies,but when does it end?
Face to face it would end after I decked them and as we do in Australia
then shake hands and have a beer.:-)
Be nice if forums worked that way, ignoring the idiots is about as far as one can go here.
But deleting your account just hurts you, cause you'll lose backup and updates.
And us, cause we'll miss you. :/