Good morning, lovely people!
How are you all doing today? I hope you are all having a wonderful week?
I have to inject myself twice a day now. I went to see the specialist on Monday and they are concerned with the way the nerve damage is, so I needed to get some more specialised medication to try to help, which means big needles, not that I mind needles. I am feeling a little better, at least the burning sensation has nearly passed now but the pain, migraines, light sensitivity, pale complexion, weight loss (I lost 6lbs so far, which is not good), and things are all still keeping me company. I can move about more now, which is nice, and I can do a few jobs around the house so I am not feeling totally useless.
Did I miss anything fun? I have been busy having lots of fun with my partner these last few days. Nothing much, due to me still being house bound, but it has still been lovely. Lovely late nights, lazy morning, and relaxing days. If not for me being ill it would be a perfect week :-). Although she is up to something. She has been making plans and phone calls and her sisters are coming to visit on Fridays, so I think she is planning something. I guess I will find out eventually, I don't want to ask in case I spoil anything my partner is trying to set up. Judging by her big happy smile she has on her face it must be something good. She is out running some errands at the moment so I thought I would pop in and say hello and offer some big hugs.
*big happy hugs and some silly waves*