EndreWhiteMane: I already hosed myself off before I came in, it felt rather good. ;-)
*no hug in spite of your recent flagrant display of ninja hugging*
*hearty handshake instead*
Good thing I washed my hands thoroughly a minute ago.
Just had one of, if not the most, disgusting cinnamon buns I've ever seen. Every second was like an exercise in manual dexterity to keep from getting some kind of synthetic glaze sludge with the consistency of the slime you used to be able to get from a machine for a quarter all over the place.
Damn it, GOG, don't start getting pissy and eating my posts.
Additional - Listening to the Crypt of the Necrodancer soundtrack and it comes to mind that the person who composed it is really frigging excellent at what they do.
Already knew that since they made the soundtrack for the mental torture session of a full Meat Boy run, but since I'll have the chance to buy their stuff from GOG it's reminding me.