BillyMaysFan59: That pretty much sums up my thoughts. I'm not outraged or anything, but I'm still concerned, and I hope this doesn't become full time DRM.
I hope that is what a lot of the frustration is over, people being worried about the bigger picture and not just one incident of exclusive content requiring the internet and using that as an excuse to be hostile to each other. While it's bad, it's not a game breaking element, but I can understand people being concerned about more DRM coming to GOG.
EndreWhiteMane: You only have to go online and enter the key once, just like redeeming a gift.
AoW3 lost all kinds of rep because of 'alleged DRM'.
I know, it's not really a big deal for me, I was just saying what many have said before. I did not know AoW 3 had alleged DRM, but then I don't really follow these things.
Do you like the look of the new game?
moonshineshadow: So it is one-time-use? If my computer screws up and I need to re-install the game, does that mean you can not get the items anymore? That would really frustrate me :D
I think it is one time only. Once it has been used that is it, gone forever. At least that is what some are saying in the release thread.