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ElTerprise: Good evening everyone *big tired hugs and feebly waves*

How are you all doing?
*tackle hug* Hello,Rayman.
l0rdtr3k: *tackle hug* Hello,Rayman.
Hi *big hug*
How are you doing?
ElTerprise: Hi *big hug*
How are you doing?
Bored out of my mind.At least I have chicken and 40K.
l0rdtr3k: Bored out of my mind.At least I have chicken and 40K.
Sorry to hear that...but atleast something. Did you buy the new 40k games from GOG?

How are you all doing? Have you had a lovely week?

I have just spend a few days in hospital, so my week could have been better. I collapsed on Tuesday night, not long after saying my goodnight on here. Apparently I called my partner before I collapsed, I say apparently as I have no memory of doing so, but I called her just before I passed out, so luckily she was able to call my parents who came round to check on me and found me. Unfortunately the cause seems to be related to one of the things I was been tested for, so there goes the hopes of that being nothing. But things could be worse, and I have still had a smile on my face for most of the week. I was supposed to be at the hospital over the weekend, but I hate hospitals and managed to persuade them to let me come home early provided I take things carefully.

I got back a few hours ago, complete with a nice supply of medication that I am not to miss (under strict orders :-)), including some very strong painkillers (so I apologise if I say anything off, but they make me quite drowsy). At least I get some time off work, the doctor said two weeks minimum, but I think two weeks will be way too much. I would have probably tried to get back to work next week if my partner did not make me give her my word that I would be a good girl and stay home and rest. So I am under house arrest for a while, which won't be too bad, at least I can get some things done around the house, and if my partner manages to get some time off I will get my own private nurse to take care of me :-). I feel and apparently look like death warmed up at present, but it's so nice to be home.

Anyway, enough about me, sorry for rambling on. I hope you are all doing okay? Did I miss anything fun?

I am off to go read my chat messages. I have quite a few. I never knew I was so popular, or maybe I just owe a lot of people money. Probably the latter. :-)

*tired hugs*
ddickinson: ...
**Crushing you** ,O__o, ........ and now **reading you**
ddickinson: (...)
Good evening DD *big hug*
Oh my god...i'm sorry to hear that. *Get better soon hug*
Post edited July 17, 2015 by ElTerprise
It seems we have Warhammer games on here. If I was not feeling so poorly I would be sacrificing some heretics to celebrate. What the hell, where are Soccorro and the little blob, those two chaos worshippers will be an good sacrifice. :-)

Please can you give a big +1 to the lovely Owl and Soccorro for their sneaky ninja gifting.

LaPtiteBete: **Crushing you** ,O__o, ........ and now **reading you**
Hello, wonderful Owl!

Please be careful with the hug, I am not sure I can deal with a crushing hug just yet. :-)

How are you, have you had a lovely week?

*big as I can manage hug*

ElTerprise: Good evening DD *big hug*
Oh my god...i'm sorry to hear that. *Get better soon hug*
Good evening, ELT! *return hug*

Thank you. I am sure I will be fine, so no need to worry.

How are you? Have you had a lovely week?
moonshineshadow: What exactly do you do in a multiplayer Terraria? I had a look at all the setup stuff, but I can't really see how this is a multiplayer game.
I don't know :D
We built a wood house together.... killed loads of slimes together... and digged holes everywhere together :D woohoo !!!
ddickinson: ...
*extra big happy that you are back with us hug*

moonshineshadow: What exactly do you do in a multiplayer Terraria? I had a look at all the setup stuff, but I can't really see how this is a multiplayer game.
LaPtiteBete: I don't know :D
We built a wood house together.... killed loads of slimes together... and digged holes everywhere together :D woohoo !!!
Sounds funny :D
Post edited July 18, 2015 by moonshineshadow
Soccorro: you two played terraria!!!??? :-O
l0rdtr3k: *hugs Agent*
*hugs Blob*
ElTerprise: Good evening everyone *big tired hugs and feebly waves*

How are you all doing?
Evening good sir! I'm doing good. How are you?
ddickinson: Hello!
Welcome back DD... Hope everything will be okay...
*massive amounts of positive energy hug*
AgentBirdnest: Sounds lovely :-) I'm going to eat soon too... Pizza \o/
I'd love to play Terraria with you again :-D I'm ready whenever you are!
Interstellaria? I didn't even notice that! :-o I'll have to look at it... I meant Niko, the one from earlier today.
I want to buy everything too... there are already 11 that I own that I haven't played yet though :"|
**Pleasant evening and happy everything hug**
Bon appétit !!! :D ho yeah it's your pizza day...
I'm there of you want to play before I fall asleep :)
Niko ?... :D I didn't see that one.... too many games !!! we get lost....
I've got 16... and already tried 5 :-p
**Happy relieved and comfortable hug**
Soccorro: you two played terraria!!!??? :-O
Yeah :D
Post edited July 18, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
ddickinson: It seems we have Warhammer games on here. If I was not feeling so poorly I would be sacrificing some heretics to celebrate. What the hell, where are Soccorro and the little blob, those two chaos worshippers will be an good sacrifice. :-)

Please can you give a big +1 to the lovely Owl and Soccorro for their sneaky ninja gifting.

Good evening, ELT! *return hug*

Thank you. I am sure I will be fine, so no need to worry.

How are you? Have you had a lovely week?
Well it definitely sounded worrisome but if you say you'll be fine i won't worry about it :)
Doing good here but i'm really exhausted this evening. Week was good :)

I'll send both a lot of +1s! :)
AgentBirdnest: Sounds lovely :-) I'm going to eat soon too... Pizza \o/
I'd love to play Terraria with you again :-D I'm ready whenever you are!
Interstellaria? I didn't even notice that! :-o I'll have to look at it... I meant Niko, the one from earlier today.
I want to buy everything too... there are already 11 that I own that I haven't played yet though :"|
**Pleasant evening and happy everything hug**
LaPtiteBete: Bon appétit !!! :D ho yeah it's your pizza day...
I'm there of you want to play before I fall asleep :)
Niko ?... :D I didn't see that one.... too many games !!! we get lost....
I've got 16... and already tried 5 :-p
**Happy relieved and comfortable hug**
Soccorro: you two played terraria!!!??? :-O
LaPtiteBete: Yeah :D
oh my gooood! So cool!!! terraria is awesome! :D
Happy to hear that your partner will be watching you like a hawk so you don't overexert yourself when you need to rest.

Try to relax, heal up, get to feeling better.