Posted June 16, 2015

Thank you. I have a relaxing evening. Staying on the forums and watching the football women's world cup. What about your evening?
You're welcome and no need for apologies. My earlier might have been not that clear concerning that. I think that the removal of the Nazi symbolism and the removal of any refercences to them are two different things. One is based on german law and the other one is mostly done by the developers / publisher in preemptive obedience without actually knowing the german law (most recent example would be the new Wolfenstein). And while i can tolerate the first one to a certain degree (although i still find it riddiculous) the second one is much more problematic imho because it can lead to those misconceptions...
And that same thing was done with movies in the years after WW2. There's actually been a version of Casablanca without any Nazisor references to them in Germany in the 1950s....
My evening was very nice, thank you.
But why remove the Nazi symbolism when it is used in context? If it was used in a WW2 movie or game, then surly that would be okay, used elsewhere or out of context I could understand, but why remove it from things based on history?
Is it true that in the Spanish dubbing that they turned Manuel into an Italian instead of Spanish? Can the Spanish not laugh at themselves now and then?
Thank you.
*big extra tight thank you hug*
Post edited June 16, 2015 by ddickinson