*big virtual back from another round of swimming hugs* Because virtual hugs are awesome!
ElTerprise: Well true - but we were talking about men...
EndreWhiteMane: Did I forget that part? I
love hugging women, as if you guys didn't know that already. :-)
So *big hug?* :D
moonshineshadow: *big energising hug* I did pick up a few games, but my ninja gifting is lacking. Only two people so far, I need to catch up on that once I am home :D
ddickinson: That's good to hear. I bet Moon the gifting leader has missed out on all the gifting fun. :-)
What's this stuff about me being the gifting leader?
That's not true because of...
... please look up all the arguments I had the last two or three times ;-)
Or are we already in the fourth or fifth round? :P