EBToriginal: And let me be clear here. Spiritually and religiousness are different things. I'd argue that religiousness is the opposite of spirituality. If one is spiritual then one already has (or at least wants to) have a relationship with the divine. Religion is all abo putting people BETWEEN you and the divine.
Would say it depends on the structure. If you've got a group of people who have the same general feeling but aren't slapping a boatload of dogma garbage onto it, a religion made up of similarly spiritual people could possibly work.
Course, at the same time, the term religion has a level of negative connotation akin to a plague rat for the mind at this point, since so many sickening creatures have used people's willingness to swallow bullshit for the sake of feeling good about themselves to gain power and wealth while manipulating others.
As far as it goes, the organized religion side of the whole deal is utterly and completely optional.
I can make up my own god in about ten seconds, and they've got just as much validity as anyone else's.
Only thing missing is the bullshit backstory and the body count attached to whose imaginary friend is the best.
Just goes to show how fundamentally retarded the majority of humanity is. Give them an excuse, any reason whatsoever to be complete pieces of shit and not have to feel badly about it, and they're all over it in a heartbeat.
Why are you being shitty to gay people who just want to live their lives peacefully? "God says they're bad."
Why are you being shitty to people with different skin colors? "They're not white, and since God's white, they're bad."
It goes on and on and on, people so fucking dumb I'm amazed they can manage to think on the most basic level without their brains exploding in crimson gusher hemorrhages from the mental strain, people who make me think "Fuck it, total extinction just might be the right thing overall", people who can't handle even an instant of self-evaluation on an honest level....
Why are you helping those people? "Because it's a good thing to do, and God says if we're good, we get to go to heaven."
Well, fuck you then, sparky. You aren't a good person at all. You're just a deluded sack of shit who's covering their ass so your imaginary friend doesn't decide to send you to human barbecue land for the rest of eternity.
And it just goes on and on, the stupidest shit possible, until you think to yourself that it can't possibly get any dumber, any more depressing and pathetic, and then it does.