I just watched on TV what's supposed to be one of the, if not
THE masterpiece of national cinematic artistic storytelling.
I found if both naive and simplistic.
Movies were different back in the 1950s.
ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!
I hope you have all been having a nice evening?
*hugs and waves*
And a good evening to you as well.
l0rdtr3k: Did you know that people still play Everquest 1?
I logged in this afternoon and the servers were packed.
Not surprising. Some old timers still play it. And they still swear it's the best everquest. There is a fair amount of nostalgia tinted goggles there though.
Even more shocking, I hear some people even play text based MUDs, leGasp!
Grargar: In Red Faction: Guerrilla, you can destroy buildings with a hammer.
The evil universe goatee version of Fix it Felix!
ddickinson: I did not know. I admit that I had to Google the game, but it must be a fun game if people are still playing it after all these years.
You did not know about Everquest? For shame m'lady, for great shame! That's like claiming ignorance of Ultima or the King's Quest games.
Anyways, it's the game responsible for making MMO addiction a thing.