EndreWhiteMane: After a week of hassle to get GalCiv II for $19.99 it's now on sale for $4.99.
When will I ever learn not to buy games at full price? :-(
That sucks...Stardock really likes you...
moonshineshadow: *happy hug* It did a good job. I had a great day :-)
How are you doing?
GhostwriterDoF: Good mid-morning, (or afternoon and evening) to everyone.
Hope you're all having a good day today, and this coming week will be brighter on many and any levels needed,
in gaming and under those skies where you dwell. :)
All is well here, it's a lazy Sunday, Happy Mother's day to our GoG Moms,
and those of you who have Mothers (to visit or to remember), and even
to those Alien species among us who are not bi-gendered yet still spawn offspring too...
The quest for speakers was a success, though my game budged has been all but depleted for the month... heh!
<ruffles everyone's hair and feathers playfully>
Hi. Good to hear that ypu're doing well :)