EndreWhiteMane: 25th and Rites are the best, Academy is just OK.
ddickinson: So it appears I have only played the okay one. One of my brothers used to have it, on about 7 discs, I think. I did not really know anything about Star Trek, but we used to play the game together and it was quite fun.
How are the two adventure games, would you say you have to know about Star Trek to enjoy them?
It would help being at least a bit familiar with the crew. I am so it's hard to say if I would like them otherwise.
I've played these since they came out, I was an Original Series junkie back then. :-)
moonshineshadow: More Star stuff, even if it is a different sort ;-)
*goes back to work*
But Moon, they're point and clicks! :-)
ddickinson: Nerd! :-)
Only joking. *big hug*
Which two are the best that exist? I have only played one of them, but I am not really that big a fan of Star Trek or Star Wars. But at least there are more women in Star Trek. Star Wars is a bit of a sausage fest. :-)
Also, hello again, everyone!
moonshineshadow: *big hug* I just realised that Endres wishlist is even worse than yours....
My wishlist is currently under reconstruction so please, no gifting atm. :-)