CarrionCrow: Doing all right here. Actually went to sleep much earlier than usual after playing Icewind for a few hours.
A couple more areas and I'll be done with the main game, then it's on to the expansions, then Icewind 2 after all that.
How has your day been going?
Great !!! I never finished Icewind Dale.... it's been such a long time... :-)
Is it good ? I only play Baldur's Gate (the first one) quite a lot... twice. Never got to the end either, though...
My day is going very well, thanks !! :-D Gotta eat in a little while...
toxicTom: Have some game time and can't decide what to play.
The Witcher: Side Effects (currently a little stuck)
FEAR - Extraction Point (currently in a tough spot, probably too tired)
Toonstruck (second playthrough after years)
Gothic (third playthrough after years)
Train Fever (probably not patient enough right now)
Or something
completely different?
I don't know any of them, will be helpless on that one :-D
Where is your funny pic from by the way ??