CarrionCrow: Well, it sounds like you not only had a really good time, but it helped you appreciate home that much more to boot, and not in a "dear gods am I glad to be back, because those people suck" sort of way, but from a positive perspective.
That's a win/win. =)
moonshineshadow: Yep :-)
One of the good things at home: My own computer that I do not need to share :D I just started downloading all the games I got around Christmas time. This will take a while ;-)
-laughs- I always download items as I grab them. Takes up a LOT of hard drive space, but it stretches out the downloading a bit.
How many items do you have to grab, overall?
CarrionCrow: I can't throw it out the window. I need to beat it. The last one in the series was the same way. Played through it all 7 ways, beat everything, have not felt a single urge for even a second to load it up and play it again.
I want that same feeling for this one.
gunsynd: Ahh a man that like's to win,even under extreme self punishment..hahahaha
Certain games, I can't just beat them once and leave them alone. So I have to beat them thoroughly.
Dear gods....7th Saga has seven characters, and I think, seven different endings.
That's going to make Soulstorm feel downright pleasant by comparison.