Posted January 03, 2015

My father-in-law's in the hospital again too, but fortunately it's for something that is (so far) relatively minor - an infection in his foot that had to be debrided (again); it's the same thing he was in for right after Christmas. Hopefully he'll be home on Sunday. (I say "so far" because this is the second visit, he's had problems with his foot before, and he's diabetic. He's taking it well enough to make jokes about not wanting to end up with a termite infestation in his foot, but I really really hope it doesn't come an amputation. >.< )
*Life meaning that it's been hovering just above freezing at nights here and in the 40s-low 50s F in the day for the last week, which is absolutely frigid for this area. To make it much more entertaining, our furnace isn't working and the HVAC guy that came by this morning informed us that it's ancient, dangerous, and needs to be replaced. Here's hoping that our landlady can get to it quickly.