CarrionCrow: Nah, internet's not out.
Ever get that thing where you feel like you don't have anything to say? I get that once in a while.
If you're interested in how Elminage Gothic is, though, I'll have that tonight thanks to the audiobook-loving relative, so I should have impressions on it by tomorrow.
Soccorro: Hey Crow! :)
tinyE: I'm going to pretend you didn't post that. :P
Shit I lose my connection every 20 minutes. It comes back right away but I still lose it.
Soccorro: Hey 'sup? :D
Hey there, good evening. =)
PalioDeMonte: Good morning, everybody! Did I miss anything interesting the last days?
EndreWhiteMane: Lots of interesting stuff as usual, nothing earth-shaking that I can think of. :-)
CarrionCrow: Yeah, it's looking to be a serious old-school based kick in the nuts, difficulty-wise.
I've heard for years how hard the Wizardry series is, and it's supposed to be pretty much a carbon copy of that on a "this game will hurt you" level.
EndreWhiteMane: The main thing that people are complaining about is the user interface, sounds like it's a pain in the rear. The difficulty seems to thrill the hardcore RPGers though. ;)
The interface looks clunky in that NES-SNES era type RPG, where you've got a lot of button presses for each round.
If it ends up being more obnoxious than that, I'm sure I'll be screaming about it eventually. -laughs-
I'm not surprised, if companies didn't start holding people's hands so much, there never would've been the whiplash response of wanting games that are so hard, just to feel like you're actually being challenged again.