ElTerprise: Good luck with that. I got the grade for my bachelor thesis yesterday and had my final oral exam i needed today.
Congratulations! It must feel good to be finished. :)
Stilton: If you need any encouragement we're all in your corner. It was nice sending ElTerprise some positive energy, and even nicer to find out it all went well ;-)
Thank you so much! Mostly, the workload is just intimidating, but with these kinds of projects, things tend to progress reasonably smoothly once you actually get going. :)
FearfulSymmetry: Nearly everything, unfortunately. :P I've only just started. Still, I have only about two months to complete it, so it will be done sooner rather than later.
CarrionCrow: That's a good attitude to have about it. The couple months of stress won't be pleasant, but at least it will be cleared relatively quickly.
That's definitely true! And if all goes well I'll have a shiny degree to show for it. :)