EndreWhiteMane: Would someone do me a favor please?
Go to mobygames.com and browse around at several games screenshots.
See if after several pages the screenshots stop loading for you.
I've had this problem for a long time and don't know if it's me, or their site.
LaPtiteBete: No problems here... I browsed more than 200 pics from more than 12 games, and still no problem... :-\ what OS and what browser do you use ? Me : Windows 8 and Firefox...
Thanks for doing that. I'm on Vista and Chrome. I'll try Firefox.
Odd thing is that is the ONLY website I ever have issues with. :/
EndreWhiteMane: Would someone do me a favor please?
Go to mobygames.com and browse around at several games screenshots.
See if after several pages the screenshots stop loading for you.
I've had this problem for a long time and don't know if it's me, or their site.
AgentBirdnest: No problems here either... Went through about 50 shots on 10 games.
Using Firefox on WindowsXP. Hope you get it figured out :-\
Thanks Agent, it's obviously something at my end. :/