Vnlr: We had a pigeon nest in the...*thinks very hard what
this plant is called in English, gives up*, which we have about the house a year or so ago.
They had about 3 little birds, two of them managed to survive untill they left, and the last one got raised by an ornithologist from arround town (he was a bit weakish, so the other two pushed him out of the nest :( ).
The thing is, before pigeons migrated to towns to live in symbiosis with humans, they used to nest in rocky holes in cliffs; that kind of explains why they are such woeful nest-builders (we would often find dung lying arround below the nest, as well as, yes, an egg at one point), them being used to having solid foundations under their nests.
At least, that's what I heard being said at some point.
who wants a hug? I feel like cheering people up (I'm quite
happy at the moment)
(Wisteria... the plant. It's also the picture's name :-D hihi)...
Aw... poor rejected pigeon... at least he survived...
And I'd like a hug, yes, please :-D
AgentBirdnest: Sorry for the very late reply... Yes, I'm feeling much better now. Thanks :-)
** Epic crushing hug ** Pheeewwww :-D Very happy to read that !!
** Even more overly crushing hug ** moonshineshadow: Oh I actually already sent a gift to someone but that does not mean I could not give away something else :P
That someone is me, unless you turned into a SERIAL ninja-gifter... ? Another one... ?
Please, everybody, would you mind burying Moonshine under an avalanche of +1, for her awesome kindness and generosity... u__u ♥ Also, good... afternoon ToxicTom, j0ekerr, Adalia, trentonlf... who do I forget ?...