Ghorpm: What's wrong with Alan Wake? It's definitely not my favorite game or anything (not even close to be more precise0 but I did had some fun with it. I seriously doubt I'll play this game ever again but I don't regret my time with it.
CarrionCrow: It had potential and they screwed it up. One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to a game.
Also, boring combat, crappy dodging, absurdly awful driving sections, no suspense because every enemy's appearance gets telegraphed, a story that gets more and more silly, a protagonist that's an unlikable douche nozzle, a crap voice acting performance, and his wife's got a face that looks like she's suffering some horrible paralysis/swelling/general disfigurement.
And on top of all that, since it was Remedy, I wonder what fun Max Payne-related stuff they could've been doing instead of spending all their time on that.
Almost forgot. They put a full length Verizon commercial in the middle of their supposed horror game.
I get that some companies either want or need to bend over for some product placement, but that was some of the worst I've ever seen in a game.
Seriously hoping that American Nightmare salvages some of what I hoped I'd get from the title when I first bought it.
LaPtiteBete: Morning, everyone ! :)
Time to make a large amount of coffee...
How are you doing ?...
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)
Already working on the seventh or eighth pot of the night.
You need to catch up, fast. -laughs-
Getting tired, but can't complain. How's your morning going?
I'm glad I'm not alone feeling that way about Alan Wake. Absolute crap. I was never scared, never teased towards fear, really only bored. It came across as a shiny but poor imitation of X-files or something... only without the decent acting and stories. It tried to be Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Max Payne all at the same time while never being a good copy of any of them.
I hate having to hate a game. But that was one made me go into grump mode.