AgentBirdnest: What is this noise?! Oh... Thank you so much :-)
I completed my assignment earlier... But it looks like you are already off to a head start :-P
(Everyone please smack dd with that fancy green button!)
So you completed your assignment, is the list of 5 complete and ready for the next big sale (or sooner)? :-)
CarrionCrow: Doing okay here. Need to do some housework, but nothing major.
Taking a break from Hotline Miami 2. Only died about 300 times getting through the last few levels.
Think I might start a run through the last DOW 2 game later on, while trying to avoid thinking about doing it 6 times. -laughs-
Getting to play as Tyranids sounds like it could be fun.
I am glad you are doing okay. How are you coping with the not smoking? Is Hotline Miami 2 as enjoyable as you hoped it would be?
l0rdtr3k: You're back,senpai!
Haven't seen you around today. Doing ok? Little blob missed you!
Hello! *big hug*
I was on this morning, but I was very busy this afternoon, and in the evenings I spend time with my partner and don't come online until she has gone to bed.
How are you today? I hope you are well?