penumbren: Popping in to say hi!
Watching Insomnia go by on the side, but at this point I'm actually just watching
Guardians of the Galaxy for the umpteenth time (with director commentary for the first time!) and about to fire up Sokobond again. Once the movie's over, I think it'll be on to play some Shadowgate. XD
Does anyone have Drox Operative, btw? I've been eyeing it off and on but haven't been convinced, and wasn't lucky enough to get it as a crit. (Mind you, I'm not whining - I got four other crits! :) I'm just wondering what you all think of it if you've played it.
Well, I ended up with it since someone got a duplicate copy and wanted to get rid of it. Haven't had a chance to play it yet, though.
(Sorry. Standard answer, I know.)
-waves back- ;)