Maighstir: I know, but GameCube games are, which is what I referred to. For the GameCube (and thus GameBoy Player), I'll have to use either composite (most probably) or SCART down-graded to S-video (provided I can figure out how to get S-video into my monitor).
apehater: btw component you need the cable (about 200$ bucks) and a dol-001 model, so you can get 480p. but if you intend to play gc pal games in 480p, then you also need a homebrew loader like sd media launcher or megadrive + wii key. pal gc games only support 480i/576i mode natively, both of these video modes can be played easily on the common composite cable, as there are really really tiny quality improvements between scart rgb, s-video and composite. the real deal is the 480p mode over component.
i can't barely notice the difference between 576i/480i on my gc with composite vs. scart rgb (original nintendo) on my 40 sony lcd-tv from 2014.
here's an example of the difference between deinterlaced 480i and 480p on gc Maighstir: ... it'll probably be cheaper to just get a Wii instead (which I might very well do some day anyway).
apehater: as grargar said, make sure that you get a rvl-001 (eur) the wii mini sucks, don't get it eighter
Thanks for the information, all of you. I got a bunch of info from the
as well.
Any idea why so few European releases of games supported progressive-scan? The case is similar for the PS2, where several American releases support it while the European release of the same game don't.