Mortius1: Visionary! KFC have invented a use for bitcoin that isn't drugs or laundering money. Insert chicken, start the bitcoin client and use the wasted heat to prepare food.
Up until now, CPU based food preparation was nothing more than frying an egg (Google for many demonstrations), but this could salvage lukewarm UberEats meals and earn money at the same time.
GreywolfLord: Can't tell if it's a joke or not...
If not...more important is what games they have for it.
It could be the fastest hunk of junk this side of the galaxy with processor speed, have more RAM than a Klingon Battleship, and a Graphics Card this side of the Sun, but if it don't have any games...
What use is it?
No one can tell if it's a joke or not. I am leaning towards yes, it's a joke... but one someone spent a little money on getting a mock-up prototype built (at least the casing). The partnering with Cooler Master for it is also muddying the waters since Cooler Master is a reputable name in computer component manufacturing...