Fever_Discordia: Oh, just checking through, the Wing Commander: Secret Ops expansion was added to the download a couple of months amgo and probably should be removed - the wishlist entry is marked as 'completed'
Nergal01: Secret Ops is actually something else. It was an episodic sequel to WC Prophecy that was distributed online back in the day. IF GOG ever adds Prophecy to the catalogue, maybe they'll go for the Gold version that includes Secret Ops. Then again, Secret Ops has been available at the Wing Commander CIC free-of-charge for quite some time. :)
Ah, yeah, double checking, the expasion for Wing Commander II is SPECIAL Ops 1 and 2, not Secret Ops!
Maybe the entry should say WC Prohecy: Secret ops to avoid confusion then?
GOG HAVE marked Secret Ops as complete, as I say!