PixelBoy: If the King's Quest III remake on the list is a fan remake, and it appears to be, it should be pointed out that there are actually not one, but TWO remakes of that.
By AGD Interactive (formerly known as Tierra, creators of Al Emmo etc.):
By Infamous Adventures (by some of the same people who just released Quest for Infamy):
The list has only AGDI version mentioned.
A personal opinion:
I'm not sure if having fan remakes on the list is necessary, as those are not official games, and a legal nightmare to say the least.
And there are a load of those around, so the list will become almost endless. For instance, there is also (and not on the list) Leisure Suit Larry 2 Point and Click, which doesn't actually "remake" the game all that much. Graphics and the story are exactly as in the original version, but as it has been done with AGS, it does have a different engine, which (as the name suggests) supports pointing and clicking...