MarioFanaticXV: There was only one .SkyDef file in there for the most recent patch; I tried removing it, and the game gives me an error saying it can't find the patch data for v1.0, and won't start without it.
In my game folder there are 10 of these filee, from 1.0 till 1.9. Maybe you can try to edit the file. Just use the normal Notepad editor. My 1.9 SkuDef file has entries for all subfolders and a version number after that, e.g.
set-exe RetailExe\1.9\cnc3game.dat
add-config Core\1.9\config.txt
and others. Try to change 1.9 to 1.0 or any other version you want to play. But look in the subfolders to see if files for the different versions exists. E.g. Movie subfoldes has only 1.0, because movies were never updated with the patches.
darthspudius: That is a first for me. I have never installed Tiberium Wars to play Kane's Wrath.
Maybe they removed this restriction in later releases (Steam, Origin). But my Retail Kane Wrath want Tiberium Wars installed.