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Get ready to step into the wacky heroic fantasy universe full of fun and adventure. The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos is coming soon DRM-free on GOG.COM. Lead a team of unlikely and clumsy somewhat heroes in an epic and challenging tactical RPG. Live an adventure filled with humor, surprises and many strange encounters.

Was really hoping for that one.
Whilst the game looks nice enough and may be fun, the attempt at “humour” is quite dreadful from that video at least. Completely off putting.
high rated
nightcraw1er.488: Whilst the game looks nice enough and may be fun, the attempt at “humour” is quite dreadful from that video at least. Completely off putting.
It's because you're from the UK. English people always had difficulties with French humour and "vice-versa". That's the advantage of being from Belgium, I can enjoy both ;)
As an American with zero knowledge of the podcast I thought they demo was pretty fun and funny. Lots of 4th wall breaking jokes fans of RPGs can enjoy. The battle system is pretty good too. I just hope the price it right, it feels more like a $35 game rather than a $45 or $60 one.
Post edited July 13, 2020 by RPGFanboy
"Naheulbeuk"... can I have that in IPA?

Seems like the game is a spin-off from a French audio-book series:
high rated
Completely useless screenshots. Another series of shots (including the animated ones in the description) that give nothing give ANY indication of what the game is like. If I hadn't read "turn based" on the right, I would have ignored entirely. Seriously a supposedly turn-based game where the screenshots never show any UI except a context card and a couple with a turn order meter?

SHOW SOME GODDAMNED UI IN YOUR SCREENSHOTS, DEVELOPERS/PRODUCERS/STORES! They show way more about a game than any masturbatory rolling list of "look at the pretties!" can ever do.
Geez, that saga was what? 20 years ago? :P

"C'est quoi, la ruse?" XP
Tagazok !
Only Singleplayer "feature"?.., no Achievements, no Cloud Saves and other cool features? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sometimes I think "all / almost all Gog team - are lazy ass." Maybe I'm right?!!, because when you go to Steam and see great amount of games, that has all mentioned features and even more, this is what comes to mind - Gog team - are lazy ass...
mqstout: SHOW SOME GODDAMNED UI IN YOUR SCREENSHOTS, DEVELOPERS/PRODUCERS/STORES! They show way more about a game than any masturbatory rolling list of "look at the pretties!" can ever do.
While I agree that omitting such in the screenshots is a dumb thing to do... you should actually watch the trailer, which will give you a better idea.
Mr.Mumbles: While I agree that omitting such in the screenshots is a dumb thing to do... you should actually watch the trailer, which will give you a better idea.
I only bother with videos once the screenshots have sold me enough to investigate further. Videos otherwise are a waste of time and bandwidth.

LifeLover: Only Singleplayer "feature"?.., no Achievements, no Cloud Saves and other cool features? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sometimes I think "all / almost all Gog team - are lazy ass." Maybe I'm right?!!, because when you go to Steam and see great amount of games, that has all mentioned features and even more, this is what comes to mind - Gog team - are lazy ass...
It's a placeholder for now. I'd be surprised if the game doesn't have "cloud saves" once it's released. (GOG generally implements them, rather than the developers, so long as developers don't do weird stuff, like a lot of the Adobe Air games do...) These are put up when GOG knows about a product coming in the future so people can wishlist it/ask to be notified on release, and so people don't "I bought it on Steam because I didn't know GOG..." for those people who someone still excuse their own use of Steam.
Post edited July 13, 2020 by mqstout
après visionnage de quelques vidéos sur le net, je trouve les zoom façon figurine très réussits (et d'ailleurs globalement, je trouve la DA très réussit), j'imagine qu'il a un très grand potentiel de rejouabilité...
je regrette qu'on n'ait pas d'ors et déjà une démo jouable :)
Mr.Mumbles: While I agree that omitting such in the screenshots is a dumb thing to do... you should actually watch the trailer, which will give you a better idea.
mqstout: I only bother with videos once the screenshots have sold me enough to investigate further. Videos otherwise are a waste of time and bandwidth.
Achievement unlocked: Be illogical.
Take the time to write a few comments about the fact that you did not get anything useful information about the game (instead of watching a video with gameplay).

Achievement unlocked:Be Stubborn.
Do everything to not get useful information about the game.
Is the dwarf going to get a level this time?