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Songs of Conquest, a turn-based strategy game inspired by 90s classics, have just recently left the early access – but it’s not slowing down. Get ready for Songs of Conquest - Rise Eternal, coming soon on GOG!

Songs of Conquest, turn-based strategy adventure game, fuses RPG, tactical combat and kingdom management. You get to lead powerful magicians called Wielders and venture to lands unknown, wage battle against armies that dare oppose you and hunt for powerful artifacts.

With Songs of Conquest - Rise Eternal, you’ll take your gameplay even further – as the DLC introduces “Tales”, story missions that complement the campaigns. In this tale you will play as the new Loth Wielder, Kastus Maal, a Risen scholar who was killed at the battle of Grey Tor. His special affinity for necromancy is a lure to the undead and the Risen flock to him in service of the Empress. Explore four new maps as Kastus pursues revenge against Cecilia Stoutheart. Uncover powerful new artifacts, artifact set bonuses and discover all the secrets of the Risen.

Soon on GOG!
Breja: Not a great look. If you've got stuff that "complements the campaigns" essentialy at the same time you release your game, making them a DLC instead kinda sucks. Unless this is one of those "coming soons" that actually arrive a year later or something like that. And no "The game's been out for two years" is a bullshit argument based on some mass delusion tormenting the current gaming industry that being able to pay to do beta testing is the same as the game being "released".
It's the latter.
Steam can kiss my ass... that out of the way, they *do have *full release blurbs by devs instead of cliff notes.
The highlights of Lavapotion's release concerning this:
"[...] So we’re introducing something we call Tales of Conquest in the form of DLC, releasing roughly every quarter. These Tales will move the story of Songs of Conquest forward, as well as expand our gameplay, through story missions following each one of the existing factions. [...] We’re planning to release Rise Eternal this Fall. It will be a paid DLC, and it will bring new artifacts, set bonuses, and general improvements to the Risen of Loth. And the sweet thing is that most of these things will be added to the base game for free so that everyone can enjoy the hordes of the loyal Risen, even if you don’t choose to buy the DLC."
Breja: And no "The game's been out for two years" is a bullshit argument based on some mass delusion tormenting the current gaming industry that being able to pay to do beta testing is the same as the game being "released".
eric5h5: That's an argument espoused by ignorant twits who have no clue how games are made and this game in particular. Besides, this DLC's not coming until the fall, probably 3-4 months from now. I thought everyone had managed to figure out by now that "coming soon" on GOG has a very loose definition of "soon".
I don't know how games are made and don't really care, the same way you don't (I assume, sorry) care a single drop how computers, cellphones or cars are made. As a end consumer, don't want to know about the "industry" or how it ticks (I actually do, but that's beside this post), what I want is to by a finished product, simple as that.

With that said, there's a few games that were a bit more successful than anticipated and release a few DLC's, such as Hollow Knight or Battle Brothers. I choose these two games as an exemple because in Hollow Knight's case, the DLC add pretty much nothing to the game or the experience and will cost 18 Euros to by the package but in Battle Brothers, well, let's say that without the DLC's it's not even the same game and it amounts to 65€ to buy the full package, excluding the banners wich will add more 20€.
I love both games but if one need to monetise the heck of the DLC's and othe game don't, something is wrong here.

When entire companies are working with selling DLC's (like Paradox), I can say that what is wrong is the GaMeRs way of accepting every single piece of garbage that is throw in their direction.
The lesson to take from this is that trying to have some communication and transparency is a bad idea.

Lavapot should basically not have told anyone that they are working on this DLC, but waited to announce it until the release date in the autumn. Noone would have raised an eyebrow then.
Post edited May 27, 2024 by amok
If you want to pay for extra content, do. If you don't, don't.

I think I just solved the universe.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I'm sure this should be part of the main game, not a DLC.

Also, 4 only maps is not enough content to warrant a DLC either.

I wonder why they aren't listing the price. Maybe because it's not a reasonable one?

If it's more than $4.99 USD, then that's just gouging the customers IMO.
You're "sure"? Well, if Ancient-Red-Dragon is sure, then...
Could you point out where it said that "It will be four maps and that's all it will be, nothing more."

It's listed as Coming Soon—when did those ever have a price listing?

I'm not what you'd call Independently wealthy, but capping the reasonable cost of a DLC for a game like this at $5 seems more than slightly ridiculous, especially without knowing its contents.
Clearly this is a nod to Homm3 and its Hero Chronicles. I'm hopeful they are low cost since they're just going to be single player campaign expansions. Can't wait for the major expansion next year though.

I wonder if the campaign expansions will include new songs for each one - the music is really good in the original campaigns.
avatar ... In this tale you will play as the new Loth Wielder, Kastus Maal, a Risen scholar who was killed at the battle of Grey Tor.
Good catch, being thinking of Doarth Waiderr recently. (alongside "Rogue One Story" finale)
Dark_art_: I don't know how games are made and don't really care, the same way you don't (I assume, sorry) care a single drop how computers, cellphones or cars are made. As a end consumer, don't want to know about the "industry" or how it ticks (I actually do, but that's beside this post), what I want is to by a finished product, simple as that.
Sure, that's why early access titles are labeled as such. However, if someone is going to complain about DLC being released they should understand what they're actually complaining about instead of spouting off from a position of ignorance. It's clear that most (all?) of the people shrieking about DLC don't have the game.
I love both games but if one need to monetise the heck of the DLC's and othe game don't, something is wrong here.
Yes, I've seen DLC that was pointless, but some that was reasonable. (Never bought the Hollow Knight DLC.) In this case the DLCs make sense. Some people were abused by DLC as children or something, and the sight of those three dreaded letters makes them run around gibbering in terror.

amok: The lesson to take from this is that trying to have some communication and transparency is a bad idea.

Lavapot should basically not have told anyone that they are working on this DLC, but waited to announce it until the release date in the autumn. Noone would have raised an eyebrow then.
Only for the usual crew of twisted freaks on GOG. Most sane people appreciate it. The game's sold half a million copies and has had a lot of people clamoring for more campaigns and factions; answering that with radio silence would be irresponsible. Given that the game was quite polished and playable in early access for 2 years, many of those players have finished most of the existing official content some time ago.

NedLimpopo: I'm not what you'd call Independently wealthy, but capping the reasonable cost of a DLC for a game like this at $5 seems more than slightly ridiculous, especially without knowing its contents.
Well, we do know the contents. Each DLC is a new campaign with 4 missions, which is like each of the campaigns in the base game. Given the base game is reasonably priced, my guess is the mini-DLCs will be something like $5-$8, and the bigger expansion will be around $15.

tremere110: Clearly this is a nod to Homm3 and its Hero Chronicles.
Yes, that got where it was by having DLC, oops, I mean expansions. It wasn't released in its complete form. And even the "complete" version doesn't include Chronicles, but I guess it's acceptable for HOMM3 to do that since it's old or something(?).
I wonder if the campaign expansions will include new songs for each one - the music is really good in the original campaigns.
I get the impression that they won't, but there will be new songs for the Bleak East expansion.
The new two factions are very interesting and unusual in the spirit of the first four.

I'm wondering what combinations of essences the two new factions will have.

Сreation - destruction - chaos for plants and order - arcana - chaos for trolls?
Post edited May 28, 2024 by RekontVerlon
amok: Lavapot should basically not have told anyone that they are working on this DLC, but waited to announce it until the release date in the autumn. Noone would have raised an eyebrow then.
Given how much they spammed us with promos in the two months leading up to early access/in development, I really don't think they are capable of waiting to announce something. They have to tell us now, and they have to build the hype. Because, HOMM3.
lupineshadow: They have to tell us now, and they have to build the hype.
Well, if you cannot live without hype, that's a you problem
lupineshadow: They have to tell us now, and they have to build the hype.
amok: Well, if you cannot live without hype, that's a you problem
Excuse me? I agreed with you, they should have waited until nearer the release date. I don't think they are able to though.
lupineshadow: I agreed with you
That's because I zm right