nigelthezebra: Correct me if I'm wrong, but beyond Gold Box and the Dark Suns, there aren't as many turn-based tactical DND games out there. (Temple of Elemental Evil comes close, but it's not grid-based, and it also has the misfortune of being utter crap ;) )
Dark Sun isn't grid based, the overhead gameplay of Warriors of the Eternal Sun (Genesis) is similiar. I'm not certan about Order of the Griffon (TurboGrafx-16,) but I think it's turned based. There is also the Spelljammer game, which is usually not considered gold box and
is considered terrible (I've never played it.) The 3e Game Boy Advance remake of Eye of the Beholder plays like a gold box, but is not that great. Another 3e game is the other Pool of Radiance, the one people would rather forget. Believe it or not there actually was a 4e turned based dandy game, but it was a Facebook game, thanks Atari. 3.5e games include Tactics (not bad, but PSP,) that Chinese game (Low Magic Age,) and, of course, Knights of the Chalice 1 and 2 where the first finally came to GOG this month. D20 Dungeons claims to be 3.75, so I'm guessing it uses Pathfinder stuff. Not the same, but Old School Computer Game uses Dark Dungeons. Not the same turn-based, but there are at least three roguelikes (Red Prison, Incursion, Javelin) and the 5e game, The Fellowship Saga, uses a combat system very much like Wizardry 8 and is my most anticipated upcoming release. I may have dropped a few games.
There is also the upcoming Realms Beyond. Fingers-crossed.
Oh, and technically Baldur's Gate 3 exists.