No, im pretty sure mektek lost the rights, which is why the free release is no longer available and mektek asked for people to stop sharing it. Im not sure what the issue was, but they also had to stop creating their game AT1BT and moved to Heavy Gear
Gudadantza: Who owns the rights of the Mechwarrior franchise? Actvision or Microsoft? Are Mechwarrior, Batletech and Mechcommander related in any way? because if I am ot mistaken both companies were involved in any way, even Infocom, later owned by Activision.
Mechwarrior and Mech Commander are based in the BT universe. Activision got the rights to create a BT game and created MW2. They only had the rights to make one game and wanted to create more after the success of MW2, so they made the expansion Ghost Bears Legacy and the standalone MW2 Mercs. After that they were never licensed to make anoter BT game and MS took over the rights for the games. Hence MW2 is in licensing hell.
MS made MW 3 through MW4 and its Mercs and expansions. I think MS still owns the rights, but licenses others such as Pirhanna and HBS to make additional games. I dont think MS owns the general BT IP, just for making video games. They kept the Mechwarrior title for brand recognition after MW2, but its all BT, which began as a tabletop
Dray2k: TL;DR: Spend 80 hours with the game, its great.
Mr.Mumbles: Does it require any fancy accessories or can it be played well purely with keyboard and mouse?
You can play with M&KB, which is how Ive enjoyed MW games since MW2