MarkoH01: Looks nice but it is by RedThread and given the fact how they treated German customers and people who just wanted to play their previous game in a different language as second class customers by adding additional (even though promised) languages months after release I really don't know if I should support them this time as well.
well at least German and other languagaes are usually added , be it much later... Dutch language is seldom present, which i dont mind at all (•‿•) i played all my games always in English ≖‿≖ , no problem for me at all, all my software : always English , from windows to well to any software: English, many manuals ( paper ones) usually in English , sometime in Dutch cause they did not had one in English.
nightcraw1er.488: It does look graphically very nice. But then based on the stunning fjords that's not surprising.
Yup, very life like graphics, that smiling face looked like a HQ video.... BUT and this is a major but, its 3d again ٩(×̯×)۶
its a good thing games like wadjete ye and similar exist, and some artifex mundi games that have been added, cause
since 2016 i haven been able to get any good old games, the ones that arrived were few, the majority was either in 2 or 4 colors ( made my eyes hurt) or vga or svga but fpp, 3d, action, platform so basically it was sad... (+_+)
The art used to show on the tab does NOT ( yes in caps ) not relate to the ingame, i hoped it would be a nice point and click cause thats what the art made me think of
check: but i seen that many times before, an image that maed me think and expect a totally differnt game, too often games also use nice vector or pixel art to show as promo image , thumbnails etc etc, but the game is usally different, 3d or square looking 3d...i hope they will change that cause the image is the first impression, why use pixel / vector art if the game looks sterile 3d?
Anyway i hope GOG will add an option to ignore/ hide games in the store like Steam has, this saved me lots of clicking to see if the game was a game i might like, they all show up darkened, and can be unignored aswell ofcourse, i have ignored hundreds of games and it saves me loads of time {◕ ◡ ◕}
Telika: Can't tell if point and clicky or walking simulatorish.
Looks like a FPP to me maybe with some 3PP but still freedom of walking in a 3d world, thats why its a no go, i was mislead by the art, that looks more like an add for a click point in wadjet style to me. {◕ ◡ ◕}
Draugen art link edit: yup i was right :D
Draugen is a single-player, first-person Fjord Noir tale of suspense and mystery, set in 1920s Norway.
I still hope for secret files to arrive DRM free + The lost horizon 1+2 , hopefully in this life that is within 5 years max, otherwise i'd be either gone or to old to even move a mouse .... ( i fear they never arrive , together wit all the red alert classic dune clasic and any other (good) games that hav 1,000s of votes but never arrive ( because of EA), while 10 votes games do arrive ?
Anyway..... ahwell